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Review exercises 28 931

(d) A component is picked atrandom. What is the

probability itis notacceptable?

(e) A component is picked atrandom. Itisnot

acceptable. What isthe probability itwas made

by machine B?

(f) A component is picked atrandom and is

acceptable. What isthe probability itwas made

by eithermachine Aormachine B?

3 MachinesMandNmanufacture components. The

probability that acomponent isofan acceptable

standard is 0.93 when manufactured bymachine M

and0.86 when manufactured by machine N. Machine

Msupplies70% ofthe components andmachine N

suppliesthe rest.

(a) Calculate the probability that acomponent picked

atrandom is ofan acceptable standard.

(b) Acomponent isnot ofan acceptable standard.

Calculate the probability that itismade by

machine N.

(c) Two components are picked at random. Calculate

the probability that they are made bydifferent


4 E 1 is the event the component is reliable.E 2 is the

event the component ismade bymachine A. State

(a) E 1

(b) E 2

(c) E 1 ∩E 2

(d) E 1 ∪E 2

(e) E 2 ∩E 1

5 Thelifespans,L,of2500components were measured

andthe resultswere recorded in Table 28.6.




0L<200 76

200 L<300 293

300 L<400 574

400 L<500 1211

500 L<600 346

(a) Calculate the probability thatacomponenthas a

lifespanofover 400 hours.

(b) Calculate the probability thatacomponenthas a

lifespanofless than300 hours.

(c) Calculate the probability thatacomponentthat

lasts for300 hours willcontinueto lastforat

least 500 hours.

6 Given the eventsE 1 ,E 2 andE 3 are

E 1 :the circuitisfunctioning

E 2 :the circuitismadeby machine A

E 3 :the circuitwilllast foratleast600 hours state

(a) E 2

(b) E 3

(c) E 1 ∪E 2

(d) E 1 ∩E 3

(e) E 2 ∩E 3

7 A data stream consistsofthe characters A, B,C,D

andE, with respective probabilities of0.16,0.23,

0.31, 0.12 and0.18.

(a) Calculate the informationassociated with the

character B.

(b) Calculate the entropy.

(c) Calculate the redundancy.

8 The probabilityacomponentis reliableis0.93.Three

components are picked atrandom. Calculatethe

probability that

(a) all components are unreliable

(b) exactly onecomponent isreliable

(c) at leastonecomponentis reliable

(d) exactly two components are reliable

9 A circuitis asshown in Figure 28.9.Thecircuitis

operational ifcurrent can flowfrom Pto Q alongany

route. Theprobability thatresistor typeAis faultyis

0.09, andforresistor typeBthe probability ofafault

is 0.14.Calculate the probability thatthe circuitis






10 The probabilityacomponentis reliableis0.96.Five

components are picked atrandom. Calculatethe

probability that

(a) allfive components are reliable

(b) none are reliable

(c) atleast oneis reliable





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