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28.7 Independent events 929

E 1

,E 2

andE 3

areindependent events.

(a) P(E 1

∩E 2

∩E 3

) =P(E 1

)P(E 2

)P(E 3

) = (0.9)(0.93)(0.81) = 0.68

(b) LetE 4

andE 5

be the events

E 4

: atleastone resistor isacceptable

E 5

: no resistorisacceptable

E 4

andE 5

arecomplementary events and so

P(E 4

)+P(E 5


E 5

may be expressed as

E 5

: resistor Aisnotacceptable and resistor Bisnot acceptable and

resistor Cisnotacceptable

thatis,E 1

∩E 2

∩E 3

P(E 5

) =P(E 1

∩E 2

∩E 3

)=P(E 1

)P(E 2

)P(E 3


= (1 −0.9)(1 −0.93)(1 −0.81)

= (0.1)(0.07)(0.19)

= 0.00133

P(E 4

) = 1 −P(E 5

) = 1 −0.00133 = 0.99867


1 AandBare two independenteventswithP(A) = 0.7

andP(B) = 0.4. The compound eventAoccurs, then

Aoccurs, thenBoccurs, is denotedAAB, andother

compound eventsare denotedin a similarway.

Calculatethe probability ofthe following compound


(a) AAB

(b) BAB

(c) AAAA

2 Theprobabilityacomponentis faultyis 0.07.Two

components are picked at random.Calculate the


(a) both are faulty

(b) both are not faulty

(c) the firstonepicked is faultyandthe second one

picked isnot faulty

(d) atleast oneisnot faulty

3 Theprobabilityacomponentis acceptable is 0.92.

Three components are picked atrandom. Calculate

the probability that

(a) allthree are acceptable

(b) none are acceptable

(c) exactlytwo are acceptable

(d) atleast two are acceptable

4 Componentsare madebymachines A, BandC.

Machine A makes30%ofthe components,machine

B makes25% ofthe components andmachine C

makes the rest. Two components are picked at

random. Calculate the probability that

(a) they are both madebymachine C

(b) oneismadeby machine Aandoneismadeby

machine B

(c) exactlyoneofthe components ismadeby

machine B

(d) atleast oneofthe components ismadeby

machine B

(e) both components are madebythe same machine

5 Capacitorsaremanufacturedbyfourmachines,1,2,3

and4.Theprobability a capacitor is manufactured

acceptablyvaries according to the machine.The

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