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924 Chapter 28 Probability

3 years 5 years


92 (reliable)

83 (reliable)


9 (unreliable)

17 (unreliable)

8 (unreliable) 8 (unreliable)


Tree diagram forEngineering application 28.13.


1 Acomponent is manufactured bymachines 1 and2.

Machine 1 manufactures 72% oftotal production of

the component. Thepercentage ofcomponents which

are acceptable varies, depending uponwhich machine

is used.Formachine 1, 97% ofcomponents are

acceptable and formachine 2, 92% are acceptable. A

component ispicked at random.

(a) What is the probability itwasmanufactured by

machine 1?

(b) What is the probability itisnot acceptable?

(c) What is the probability that itis acceptable and

made bymachine 2?

(d) If the component isacceptable what is the

probability itwasmanufactured bymachine 2?

(e) If the component isnot acceptable what isthe

probability itwasmanufactured bymachine 1?

2 Themeasured lifespans (L)of1500components are

recorded in Table 28.4.





L 1000 210

900 L<1000 820

800 L<900 240

700 L<800 200

L<700 30

(a) Whatistheprobabilitythatacomponentwhichis

still workingafter800 hours willlast foratleast

900 hours?

(b) Whatistheprobabilitythatacomponentwhichis

still workingafter900 hours willcontinue to last

foratleast 1000 hours?

3 Thelifespan,L,of1000 components is measuredand

detailed in Table 28.5.


Lifespansof1000 components.



L 1750 70

1500 L<1750 110

1250 L<1500 150

1000 L<1250 200

750 L<1000 317

500L<750 96

250L<500 42

L<250 15

(a) Calculate the probability that the lifespanofa

component is more than 1000hours.

(b) Calculate the probability that the lifespanofa

component is lessthan 750 hours.

(c) Calculate the probability that a component which

isstill workingafter 500 hours willcontinue to

last forat least1500hours.

4 MachinesA, Band C manufacture components.

Machine Amakes 50%ofthe components, machine

Bmakes 30%ofthe components andmachine C

makesthe rest. Theprobability that acomponent is

reliable is0.93 when made bymachine A, 0.90 when

made bymachine Band 0.95 when made by machine

C.Acomponent is picked atrandom.

(a) Calculate the probability that itis reliable.

(b) Calculate the probability that itis made by

machine B given itisunreliable.

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