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922 Chapter 28 Probability

(a) There are617.5 +290.5 = 908 acceptable components, so

P(component isacceptable) = 0.908

(b) There are617.5 components which are acceptable and made by machine M. So

P(component isacceptable and made by machine M)

=P(C ∩A) = 0.6175

(c) Of the 650 components made by machine M, 617.5 areacceptable, and so

P(component isacceptable given itismade by machine M) =P(C|A)

= 617.5

650 = 0.95

(d) Of the 1000 components, 650 aremade by machine M, so

P(component ismade by machine M) =P(A) = 0.65

(e) Thereare908acceptablecomponents.Ofthese,617.5aremadebymachineM.


P(component ismade by machine M given itisacceptable) =P(A|C)

= 617.5

908 = 0.68

(f) There are 32.5 + 59.5 = 92 unacceptable components. Of these 92, 59.5 are

made by machine N.Thus

P(component ismade by machine Ngiven itisnot acceptable) =P(B|C)

= 59.5

92 = 0.647

28.6.1 Themultiplicationlaw

Consider events A and B for which A ∩B ≠ ◦/ as shown in Figure 28.7. Suppose we


Knowing event A has occurred we can restrict our attention to the set A. Event B will

occur ifany outcome is inA ∩B. Hence,


P(B|A) =

P(A ∩B)




Themultiplication lawofprobabilitystates:

P(A ∩B) =P(A)P(B|A)

A > B


AandBare not

mutually exclusive.

Since the compound event ‘Aand B’ isidentical to‘B and A’ wemay alsosay

P(A ∩B) =P(B ∩A) =P(B)P(A|B)

Consider Engineering application 28.12(e). We require the probability that the component

was manufactured by machine M, given itisacceptable. This isP(A|C). Now

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