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920 Chapter 28 Probability

500 = 460 will be of an acceptable standard. Of the half made by machine N, 80% ×

500 = 400 will be acceptable. Hence 860 of the 1000 components will be acceptable

andsoP(E) = 860

1000 = 0.86.Clearly,therearedistinctprobabilitiesofthesameevent;

the probability changes as the conditions change. This is intuitive and leads to the idea

of conditional probability.

We introduce a notation forconditional probability. Define eventsAandBby

A: the component ismanufactured by machine M

B: the component ismanufactured by machine N


by machine M, is written asP(E|A). We read this as the conditional probability

ofE givenA. SimilarlyP(E|B) is the probability ofE happening, givenBhas already


P(E|A) = 0.92 P(E|B) = 0.8

To be pedantic, all probabilities are conditional since the conditions surrounding any

event can change. However, for many situations there is tacitly assumed a definite set

of conditions which is always satisfied. The probability of an event calculated under


conditions areattached, the probability isconditional.




of an acceptable standard is 0.95 when manufactured by machine M and 0.83 when

manufactured by machine N. Machine M supplies 65% of components; machine N

supplies 35%. Acomponent ispicked atrandom.

(a) What isthe probability thatthe component isofanacceptable standard?

(b) Whatistheprobabilitythatacomponentisofanacceptablestandardandismade

by machineM?

(c) What is the probability that the component is of an acceptable standard given it

is made by machineM?

(d) What isthe probability thatthe component wasmade bymachine M?

(e) What is the probability that the component was made by machine M given it is

ofanacceptable standard?

(f) The component is not of an acceptable standard. What is the probability that it

wasmade by machineN?


We definethe events:

A: the component ismanufactured by machineM

B: the component ismanufactured by machineN

C: the component isofanacceptable standard

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