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27.7 Some simple volume and surface integrals 889


Volume and surface integrals arise frequently in electromagnetism and fluid mechanics.

We will illustrate these concepts through some simple examples. For a thorough

treatment ofmore general cases you will need torefer toamore advanced text.



Consider a solid object such as that shown in Figure 27.17. The density, ρ, of this

objectmayvaryfrompointtopoint.So,atanypointPwithcoordinates (x,y,z),the

density is a function of position, that is ρ = ρ(x,y,z). Since density is a scalar, this

isan example ofascalar field, like those discussed inSection 7.4.

Supposeweselectaverysmallpieceofthisobjecthavingvolume δV andlocated

atP(x,y,z). Recall fromelementary physics that

density = mass


Then the mass of thissmallpiece, δm, isgiven by


If we wish to calculate the total mass,M, of the object we must sum all such contributionsfromtheentirevolume.Thisisfoundbyintegratingthroughout


We write thisas ∫

total mass,M = ρdV


This is an example of a volume integral, so called because the integration is performed

throughout the volume. It will usually take the form of a triple integral such

as those discussed in Section 27.6.2. Technically, there are three integral signs, but

forbrevitythesehavebeenreplacedbythesingle ∫ V whereitistobeunderstoodthat

the integral is to be performed over a volume. In any specific problem care must be


For example, consider the case of a solid cube with sides of length 1 unit. Let

one corner be positioned at the origin and let the edges coincide with the positive

x, y and z axes. Suppose the density of the cube varies from point to point, and is

∫givenby ρ(x,y,z) =x+y+z.Thentheintegralwhichgivesthemassofthecubeis

(x + y + z)dV, where the volume V is the region occupied by the cube. This


integral has been evaluated in Example 27.16 and found to be 3 , representing the


mass of the cube.

volume V

volume dV

densityr(x, y,z)

P (x, y,z)


Thetotal massofabodyis foundby


the wholevolume.

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