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Substitutingy =x 2 and dy = 2xdx we have

∫ ∫

F·ds= x 4 dx + (2x)x 2 (2xdx)

C 1

C 1


∫ x=1


27.5 Conservative fields and potential functions 879

5x 4 dx = [x 5 ] 1 0 = 1

(b) C 2

hasequationy =xandsody = dx.NotethatthistimeweareintegratingfromB



C 2

(y 2 i +2xyj)·(dxi +dyj) =

C 2

y 2 dx +2xydy

C 2

Substitutingy =xand dy = dx we have

∫ ∫ x=0

F·ds= x 2 dx+2x 2 dx=

C 2


∫ 0

(c) Now

∮ ∫ ∫

F·ds= F·ds+ F·ds=1−1=0

C 1

C 2


3x 2 dx = [x 3 ] 0 1 = −1

The line integral around the closed path is zero because the field is conservative.

You should check that ∇ ×F = 0and thatasuitablepotential function is φ =y 2 x.


1 Verifythat the vector field

F = (4x 3 +y)i +xj is conservative.

2 Forthe vector field

F =ycosxyi +xcosxyj +2zkfind ∇ ×Fandverify

that the field isconservative.

3 Considerthe fieldF =yi +xj.

(a) ShowthatFis aconservative field.

(b) Find afunction φ such that ∂φ

∂x =yand∂φ ∂y =x.

(c) Find asuitable potential function φ for F.

(d) IfAisthe point (2,1)and Bis the point

(5,8)evaluate ∫ B

A F·ds.

(e) Find φ at Band φ atAandshow that the value of

the line integralcalculated in part (d)is equal to

thedifferencebetweenthevaluesof φ atBandA.

4 Showthat the vectorfield,

F = (2xy −y 4 +3)i + (x 2 −4xy 3 )j,ofQuestion5in

Exercises27.3, isconservative andfindasuitable

potential function φ from which Fcan be derived.

Showthat the difference between φ evaluated at

B(2, 1)andatA(1,0)is equalto the value ofthe line

integral ∫ B

A F·ds.

5 Show that

∫ (1,1)

I = 3x 2 y 2 dx +2x 3 ydy


is independentofthe pathofintegration,andevaluate

the integral.

6 The function φ = 4xy is apotential functionfor

whichF = ∇φ.

(a) Find F.

(b) Evaluate ∫ F ·dsalong the curvey =x 3 from

A(0, 0)to B(2, 8).

(c) Evaluate φ at BandatAandshowthat the

difference between these values is equalto the

value ofthe lineintegral obtainedin part (b).

7 IfF =P(x,y)i







∂x − ∂P k.Deduce that ifFis


conservative then ∂Q

∂x = ∂P

∂y .

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