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876 Chapter 27 Line integrals and multiple integrals

Inthree dimensions, if

F =P(x,y,z)i +Q(x,y,z)j +R(x,y,z)k

isconservative, wecan write



= ∂φ

∂x i + ∂φ

∂y j + ∂φ

∂z k

P = ∂φ


Q = ∂φ


R = ∂φ


You should refer back toExample 26.4 where thisidea was introduced.

Example27.6 Thevector field visderivable from the potential φ = 2xy +zx. Find v.

Solution If v isderivable from the potential φ, then v = ∇φ and so


This vector field isconservative asiseasilyverified by findingcurl v. Infact,

i jk


∂ ∂ ∂

∂x ∂y ∂z

2y+z2x x


= 0

Indeed, recall from Example 26.10 thatcurl (grad φ) isidentically zero forany φ.

When the vector field F is conservative there is an alternative method of evaluating the

line integral ∫ F·ds which involves the use of the potential function φ. Consider the


following example.

Example27.7 Thetwo-dimensional vector fieldF = i +2j isconservative.

(a) Findasuitablepotential function φ suchthat F = ∇φ = ∂φ

∂x i + ∂φ

∂y j.

(b) Evaluate ∫ (3,2)

F·ds along any convenient path.


(c) Find the value of φ at B(3, 2), and the value of φ at A(0, 0), and show that the


Solution (a) We are given that ∂φ = 1 so that φ = x + f (y), where f is an arbitrary function


ofy. We are also given that ∂φ = 2 so that φ = 2y +g(x), wheregis an arbitrary


function ofx. Itiseasy toverify that φ =x +2yisasuitablepotential function.

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