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26.3 The gradient of a scalar field 855

Atthepoint (2,1,0)thisvectorpointsinthedirectionofgreatestrateofdecreasein

potential. This is also the direction of the electrostatic force experienced by the unit

charge atthatpoint.


1 If φ =x 2 −y 2 −3xyz,(a)find ∇φ,(b)evaluate ∇φ at

the point (0,0,0).

2 If φ =x 2 yz 3 ,find(a) ∇φ,(b) ∇φat (1,2,1),(c) |∇φ|

at (1,2,1).

3 Ifv = ∇φ,find φwhenv = (2x−4y 2 )i−8xyj.

4 Given φ =xyzfind(a) ∇φ,(b) −∇φ,(c) ∇φ

evaluated at (3,0, −1).

5 Find ∇V when

(a)V =x 2 +y 2 +z

( )


(b)V =zsin −1 y


(c)V = e x+y+z .

6 An electrostatic potential is given byV =xe −√y .

Find ∇V and deduce the direction in which the

decrease ofpotential isgreatest atthe point with

coordinates (1,1,1).

7 Inthe theoryoffluid mechanics the scalar field φ is

known asthevelocity potential ofafluidflow. The

fluid velocityvector, v,atapoint canbe foundfrom

the equationv = ∇φ.Foraparticulartypeofflow

φ =Ux,whereU is aconstant. Show thatthe

corresponding fluidmotion is entirely parallelto thex

axis, andatany point the fluidspeed isU.Finda

velocitypotential forasimilar flow whichisentirely

parallelto theyaxis.

8 Is −∇φ the same as ∇(−φ)?Explain youranswer.

9 Given φ = 3x 2 y +xz,

(a) determine ∇φ

(b) determine ∇(7φ)

(c) determine7∇φ

(d) Is ∇(7φ)thesameas7∇φ?

10 Foranyscalarfield φ andanyconstantk,is ∇(kφ)the



1 (a) (2x −3yz)i − (2y +3xz)j −3xyk

(b) 0

2 (a) 2xyz 3 i +x 2 z 3 j +3x 2 yz 2 k

(b) 4i+j+6k

(c) 53

3 φ=x 2 −4xy 2 +c

4 (a) yzi +xzj +xyk

(b) −yzi −xzj −xyk

(c) −3j

5 (a) 2xi +2yj +2zk



x 2√ 1−y 2 /x 2i

( )



x √ y

1−y 2 /x 2j +sin−1 k


(c) e x+y+z (i +j+k)

6 e −√y i − xe−√ y

2 √ j,−0.368i +0.184j


7 φ=Uy

8 yes

9 (a) (6xy +z)i +3x 2 j +xk

(b) (42xy +7z)i +21x 2 j +7xk

(c) (42xy +7z)i +21x 2 j +7xk

(d) yes

10 yes

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