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26.3 The gradient of a scalar field 851

3 (a) 2xi+k (b) i



(c) −j +2k

(d) 2i

(e) 0 (f) 0


∂x =3yzi+2xj+k


= 3xzi −2yj +2yk



= 3xyi +2zj


∂ 2 v

∂x 2 = 2j

∂ 2 v

∂y 2 =−2j+2k

∂ 2 v

∂z 2 = 2j


∂x =yzcos(xyz)i +yzexy j −2yk


∂y =xzcos(xyz)i +xzexy j −2xk


∂z =xycos(xyz)i +exy j

6 φv =x 2 yzi+x 3 y 2 zj−3x 4 yzk



= 2xyzi +3x 2 y 2 zj −12x 3 yzk



∂x =yz


∂x =i+2xyj−9x2 k


∂x = i x +2ycoszj −4x3 yzk


∂y = i y +2xcoszj−x4 zk


∂z = −2xysinzj −x4 yk

∂ 2 v

∂x 2 = − i

x 2 −12x2 yzk

∂ 2 v

∂y 2 = − i

y 2

∂ 2 v

∂z 2 = −2xycoszj


Given a scalar functionofx,y,z

φ = φ(x,y,z)

we can differentiate it partially w.r.t. each of its independent variables to find ∂φ

∂x , ∂φ


and ∂φ . If wedo this, the vector



∂x i + ∂φ

∂y j + ∂φ

∂z k

turns out to be particularly important. We call this vector the gradient of φ and denote


∇φ or grad φ

An alternative form of writing ∇φ isas threecomponents

( ∂φ

∂x , ∂φ

∂y , ∂φ )


gradφ=∇φ= ∂φ

∂x i + ∂φ

∂y j + ∂φ

∂z k

The process of forming a gradient applies only to a scalar field and the result is always

a vector field.

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