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Review exercises 25 847

4 Find allfirstand second partialderivatives of

f(x,y) = (ax +by) n

wherea,bandnare constants.

5 Find the firstpartial derivatives of

f(x,y) = (ax 2 +by 2 +cxy) n

wherea,b,candnare constants.

6 Verifythat


isasolution of


∂x − ∂z

∂y = 1

7 Verifythat


isasolution of


∂x + ∂z

∂y =2(x+y)

8 Verifythat

f(x,y)=x 2 +y 2 −2xy

isasolution of


∂x + ∂f

∂y = 0

9 Verifythat

z(x,y) =sinx +cosy

isasolution of

∂ 2 z

∂x 2 + ∂2 z

∂y 2 +z=0

10 Verify that

z(x,y) =xye x

is asolution of

∂ 2 z

∂x 2 + ∂2 z

∂y 2 −y ∂2 z

∂x∂y =yex

11 (a) Writedown the second-order Taylor polynomial

generatedby f (x,y) aboutx = 2,y = 3 given

f(x,y) =3x 3 y−x 2 y 3

(b) Estimate f(2.1,2.9) usingyourpolynomial from

(a)andcompare thiswith the exact answer.

12 Writedown the second-order Taylor polynomial

generated byz(x,y) aboutx = 1,y = 1 given

z(x,y) = x +y


13 Calculate the second-order Taylor polynomial

generated by

f(x,y)= x 2 +y 2


14 Locateandidentify all the stationary pointsofthe

following functions:

(a) f(x,y)=x 2 +y 3 −3y

(b) f(x,y) =4xy−x 2 y

(c) f(x,y) =x 3 +2y 2 −12x

(d) f(x,y)=xy−y 2 −x 3

15 Locateandidentify the stationary pointsof

f(x,y)= y x −x2 +y 2


1 (a)

∂z ∂z

= 18x,

∂x ∂y = 4y

(b) 9x 2 y 6 ,18x 3 y 5

(c) 12x 2 , −15y 2

(d) y+2xy 2 ,x+2x 2 y

(e) 2ycos(2xy),2xcos(2xy)

(f) 6ye 3xy ,6xe 3xy

∂f ∂f

2 (a) (−1,2) =1, (−1,2) = −8

∂x ∂y

(b) 2,1 (c) 0.5403, −1.8186

3 (a)

(d) 25, −12 (e) − 4 9 ,−2 9

(f) 5.4366,5.4366

∂ 2 z

∂x 2 = 36x2 +6xy 3 ,

∂ 2 z

∂x∂y =9x2 y 2 ,

∂ 2 z

∂y 2 = −108y2 +6x 3 y

(b) 12x 2 +4y 2 ,8xy,4x 2 +12y 2

(c) 32e 4x−3y , −24e 4x−3y ,18e 4x−3y

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