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842 Chapter 25 Functions of several variables

The sign of the second derivative, d2 y

dx2, is then used to distinguish between a maximum


Whenconsideringafunctionoftwovariables, f (x,y),weoftenseekmaximumpoints,

minimum points and saddle points. Collectively these are known as stationary points.

Figure 25.1 illustrates a maximum point at A, a minimum point at B and a saddle point

at C. When leaving a maximum point the value of the function decreases; when leaving

a minimum point the value of the function increases. When leaving a saddle point,

the function increases in one direction, axis D on the figure, and decreases in the other

direction, axis Eon the figure.

To locate stationary points we equate both first partial derivatives to zero, that is we



∂x = 0


∂y = 0

Stationarypoints are locatedby solving


∂x = 0


∂y = 0

Example25.14 Locatethe stationarypoints of

(a) f(x,y)=2x 2 −xy−7y+y 2

(b) f(x,y)=x 2 −6x+4xy+y 2

Solution (a) Thefirst partialderivatives arefound:


∂x =4x−y


∂y =−x−7+2y

The stationary points are located by solving ∂f

∂x =0and∂f ∂y = 0 simultaneously,




Solving these equations yields x = 1, y = 4. Hence the function f (x,y) has one

stationary pointand itislocated at(1, 4).

(b) The first partialderivatives arefound:


∂x =2x−6+4y


∂y =4x+2y

The first partialderivatives areequated tozero:



Solving the equations simultaneously yieldsx = −1,y = 2. Thus the function has

one stationary pointlocated at (−1,2).

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