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25.6 Taylor polynomials and Taylor series in two variables 839


∂p 2

∂x (2,−1)=2+2(−1)+4=4 ∂p 2

∂y (2,−1)=1+4−8=−3


∂p 2


(2,−1) =

∂x ∂x (2,−1) ∂p 2


(2,−1) =

∂y ∂y (2,−1)

that is, the first partial derivatives of the Taylor polynomial and the function have

identical values at (2,−1).

(e) The second partialderivatives of p 2


∂ 2 p 2

∂x 2 = 1

Example25.13 Afunction f isgiven by

∂ 2 p 2

∂x∂y = 2 ∂ 2 p 2

∂y 2 = −1

These values areidentical tothe second partial derivatives of f at (2,−1).

f(x,y)=x 3 +x 2 y+y 4

(a) State the second-order Taylor polynomialgeneratedby f about(1, 1).

(b) Usethepolynomialtoestimate f(1.2,0.9).Comparethisvaluewiththetruevalue.

(c) Verify that the second partial derivatives of the function and the Taylor polynomial

are identical at(1,1).

Solution (a) Herea = 1 andb= 1.We aregiven that f =x 3 +x 2 y +y 4 and so


∂x = 3x2 +2xy

∂ 2 f

∂x∂y = 2x


∂y =x2 +4y 3

∂ 2 f

∂y 2 = 12y2

Evaluation of f and itsderivatives at(1, 1) yields

f = 3


∂x = 5


∂y = 5

∂ 2 f

∂x 2 = 8

The second-order Taylor polynomial is p 2


∂ 2 f

∂x 2 =6x+2y

∂ 2 f

∂x∂y = 2

p 2

(x,y)=f +(x−1) ∂f

∂x +(y−1)∂f ∂y

+ 1 (


(x−1) 2∂2 f

2 ∂x +2(x −1)(y −1) ∂2 f f

2 ∂x∂y +(y−1)2∂2 ∂y 2

∂ 2 f

∂y 2 = 12

=3+5(x−1)+5(y−1)+ 1 2 (8(x −1)2 +4(x −1)(y −1) +12(y −1) 2 )

=4x 2 +6y 2 +2xy−5x−9y+5

(b) The value of p 2

(1.2,0.9) isanestimate of f(1.2,0.9).

p 2

(1.2,0.9) = 4(1.2) 2 +6(0.9) 2 +2(1.2)(0.9) −5(1.2) −9(0.9) +5 = 3.68

The actual value is

f(1.2,0.9) = (1.2) 3 + (1.2) 2 (0.9) + (0.9) 4 = 3.6801

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