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838 Chapter 25 Functions of several variables

We note the following properties of the second-order Taylor polynomial:

(1) The values of the Taylor polynomial and the function areidentical at (a,b).

(2) The values of the first partial derivatives of the Taylor polynomial and the function

areidentical at (a,b).

(3) The values of the second partial derivatives of the Taylor polynomial and the function

areidentical at (a,b).

(4) Thesecond-orderTaylorpolynomialcontainsquadraticterms,thatistermsinvolvingx

2 ,y 2 andxy.

Example25.12 A function, f, and its first and second partial derivatives are evaluated at (2,−1). The

values are

f = 3


∂x = 4


∂y = −3

∂ 2 f

∂x 2 = 1

∂ 2 f

∂x∂y = 2

(a) State the second-order Taylor polynomial generated by f about (2,−1).

(b) Estimate f (1.8,−0.9).

(c) Verifythatthe Taylor polynomial and f have identical values at (2,−1).

∂ 2 f

∂y 2 = −1

(d) Verify that the first partial derivatives of the Taylor polynomial and f are identical

at (2,−1).

(e) VerifythatthesecondpartialderivativesoftheTaylorpolynomialand f areidentical

at (2,−1).

Solution (a) We puta = 2 andb=−1 inthe formulafor p 2


p 2

(x,y)=f +(x−2) ∂f

∂x +(y+1)∂f ∂y

+ 1 (


(x−2) 2∂2 f

2 ∂x +2(x −2)(y +1) ∂2 f f

2 ∂x∂y +(y+1)2∂2 ∂y 2

where f and its derivatives areevaluated at (2,−1). So

p 2

(x,y) =3+(x−2)4+(y+1)(−3)+ 1 2 {(x −2)2 +2(x −2)(y +1)2

+(y +1) 2 (−1)} = x2

2 − y2

2 +2xy+4x−8y−21 2

(b) The value of p 2

(1.8,−0.9) isan estimateof f (1.8,−0.9):

p 2

(1.8,−0.9) = (1.8)2


= 1.875

− (−0.9)2 +2(1.8)(−0.9)+4(1.8) −8(−0.9)− 21 2


(c) p 2

(2,−1) = 22

2 − (−1)2 +2(2)(−1) +4(2) −8(−1) − 21 2

2 = 3


Hence p 2

(2,−1) = f (2,−1); that is, the Taylor polynomial and the function have

identical values at (2,−1).

(d) The first partialderivatives of p 2


∂p 2

∂x =x+2y+4 ∂p 2

∂y =−y+2x−8

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