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25.6 Taylor polynomials and Taylor series in two variables 837

(c) VerifythatthefirstpartialderivativesoftheTaylorpolynomialand f haveidentical

values at(1, 2).

(d) Estimate f(1.1,1.9)usingtheTaylorpolynomial.Comparethiswiththetruevalue.

Solution (a) We aregiven f =x 2 +xy −y 3 and so


∂x =2x+y


∂y =x−3y2

Evaluating these atthe point(1, 2) gives



∂x (1,2)=4


(1,2) = −11


Puttinga = 1 andb = 2 in the formula for p 1

(x,y) we are able to write down the

Taylor polynomial:

p 1

(x,y) = f(1,2)+(x−1) ∂f

∂x (1,2)+(y−2)∂f ∂y (1,2)

= −5 + (x −1)4 + (y −2)(−11)


The first-order Taylor polynomial is p 1

(x,y) = 4x −11y +13.

(b) We can evaluate the Taylor polynomial and the function at(1, 2).

p 1



Hence p 1

(1,2) = f (1,2); that is, the Taylor polynomial and the function have

identical values at(1, 2).

(c) The first partialderivatives of p 1

(x,y) are found.

∂p 1

∂x = 4 ∂p 1

∂y = −11


∂x (1,2)=4


(1,2) = −11


Hence the first partialderivatives of p 1

and f are identical at(1, 2).

(d) p 1

(1.1,1.9) = 4(1.1) −11(1.9) +13 = −3.5

f(1.1,1.9) = (1.1) 2 + (1.1)(1.9) − (1.9) 3 = −3.559


the point(1, 2).

25.6.2 Second-orderTaylorpolynomialintwovariables

Given a function, f, and its first and second partial derivatives at (a,b) we can write

down the second-order Taylor polynomial, p 2


p 2

(x,y) = f(a,b)+(x−a) ∂f

∂x (a,b)+(y−b)∂f ∂y (a,b)

+ 1 (


(x−a) 2∂2 f

2! ∂x (a,b)+2(x−a)(y−b) ∂2 f f

2 ∂x∂y (a,b)+(y−b)2∂2 ∂y (a,b) 2

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