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824 Chapter 25 Functions of several variables

The rate of change of area w.r.t. the radius is dA = 2πr. In practice functions often



upon the radius,r, and the height,h, and isgiven by

V = πr 2 h

whereV isthedependentvariable;r andhareindependentvariables.V isafunctionof

the two independent variables,r andh. We writeV =V(r,h).



In recent years the cathode ray tube has declined in popularity as a screen display

device. It is now rarely used in consumer electronics as flat screen televisions have


sector and instruments such as cathode ray oscilloscopes are still commonly in use

inmany laboratories.


and time.Given Cartesiancoordinatesx,yandz, wecan write

V =V(x,y,z,t)

toshow thisdependence. Note thatV isafunctionoffourindependentvariables.




acrossthe resistor, v, and the resistance,r. Itisgiven by

P = v2


Hence we may writeP =P(v,r) to show this dependence. The power is a function

of two independent variables.


surface as shown in Figure 25.1. The height,z, of the surface above thex--y plane depends

upon thexandycoordinates, that isz = z(x,y). If we are given values ofxand

y, then z(x,y) can be evaluated. This value of z is the height of the surface above the

point (x,y). We write, for example,z(3,−1) for the value ofzevaluated whenx = 3

and y = −1. The dependent variable, z, is a function of the independent variables

x andy.

Some important features are shown in Figure 25.1. The value of z at a maximum

point is greater than the values of z at nearby points. Point A is such a point. As you

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