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Review exercises 24 821


1 Find the Fourier transformsof


1−t 2 |t|<1

(a)f(t) =

0 otherwise

{ sint |t|<π

(b)f(t) =

0 otherwise

{ 1 0<t<τ

(c)f(t) =

0 otherwise

{ e −αt t>0

(d)f(t) =

−e αt α >0


2 Find the Fourier integral representations of

{ 3t |t|<2

(a) f(t) =

0 otherwise

⎨0 t<0

(b) f(t) = 6 0<t<2

0 t>2

3 (a) IfF(ω) = F{f(t)},showthat

F{f ′ (t)} = jωF(ω).

(b) IfF(ω) = F{f(t)},showthat

F{f (n) (t)} = (jω) n F(ω).Theseresultsenableus

to calculate the Fourier transformsofderivatives


4 IfF(ω) = F{f(t)},showthat

( )

F{f(at)} = 1 a F ω



5 IfF(ω)is the Fourier transform of f (t)show that

(a) F(0) = ∫ ∞

−∞ f(t)dt.

(b) f(0) = 1 ∫ ∞


2π −∞

(c) Show that if f (t)isan even function,

F(ω) =2 ∫ ∞

0 f(t)cosωtdt.

6 Theconvolution theoremgiven in Section24.8.1

representsconvolution in the time domain.

Convolution can alsobe performedin the frequency

domain,in whichcasethe equivalent convolution


F{f(t)g(t)} = 1

2π [F(ω)∗G(ω)]

Provethe convolution theorem in thisform.

7 (a) Given that the Fourier transform of f (t) = e −α|t|


α 2 use thet--ω duality principleto find

+ω2 the Fourier transformof


α 2 +t 2.

(b) Fromatable oftransformswrite down the

Fourier transformofcosbt.

(c) Use the convolution theoremobtained in

Question 6 to find the Fourier transformof


α 2 +t 2,forb>0.

(d) Using the result in part(c)evaluate the integral

∫ ∞ cosbt

−∞ α 2 +t 2dt

8 Find the d.f.t. ofthe sequence f[n] = {3,3,0,3}.

Verify Rayleigh’stheoremforthissequence.

9 Findthelinearconvolutionofthetwofinitesequences

f[n] = 3, −1, −7 andg[n] = 4,0, 1 2 .

10 The signum functionis defined to be

⎨ 1 t>0

sgn(t) = −1 t<0

0 t=0

This functioncan be representedasthe exponential

functione −ǫt ,ift > 0, andas −e ǫt ,ift < 0,in the

limitas ǫ → 0.

(a) Show that

∫ ∞

sgn(t)e −jωt dt = 2

−∞ jω

(b) Usethet--ω duality principle to showthat

∫ ∞



πt e−jωt dt = −jsgn(ω)

(c) Usethe second resultin part (b), the convolution

theorem and the integral propertiesofthe delta

function to showthat


∗cos(αt) = sin(αt)


11 Show that f[n] ○⋆ g[n] = f[n] ○∗ g[−n] andhence

deduce thatacorrelationcanbe expressed in termsof

a convolution.

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