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64 Chapter 2 Engineering functions

Example2.8 Giveng(x) = x −1 find the inverse ofg.


Solution We knowg(x) = x −1 ( ) x −1

2 , and sog−1 =x.Lety= x −1 so that

2 2


and so

g −1 (y) =x


g −1 (y)=2y+1

Using the same independent variable as forthe functiong, we obtain

g −1 (x)=2x+1


They are called inverse functions. The inverse of f (x) = 2x + 1 is f −1 (x) =

x −1 x −1

, and the inverse ofg(x) = isg −1 (x) = 2x +1. This illustrates the important

point that if f (x) andg(x) are two functions and f (x) is the inverse ofg(x), then

2 2

g(x) is the inverse of f (x). It is important to point out that not all functions possess an

inverse function. Consider f (x) =x 2 , for −∞ <x<∞.

The function, f, is given by the rule: ‘square the input’. Since both a positive and

negative value of x will yield the output x 2 , the inverse rule is given by: ‘take plus or

minus the square root of the input’. As discussed earlier, this is a one-to-many rule and


f (x) =x 2

suchthatx 0.Then f isaone-to-onefunctionandsothereisaninversefunction.The

inverse function is f −1 (x) given by


f −1 (x) = + √ x

f −1 (f(x))=f −1 (x 2 )=x

wherexisthepositivesquarerootofx 2 .Restrictingthedomainofamany-to-onefunction

so that a one-to-one function results is a common technique of ensuring an inverse

function can be found.

2.3.8 Continuousandpiecewisecontinuousfunctions


limits.Figure2.11showsagraphof f (x) = 1 x .Notethatthereisabreak,ordiscontinuity,

inthe graph atx = 0.The function f (x) = 1 issaidtobe discontinuousatx = 0.


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