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24.15 Discrete convolution and correlation 809


product = F.*G

product =

-9.0000 34.0000-31.0000i -27.0000 34.0000+31.0000i

Finally, taking the inverse d.f.t.,using the MATLAB ® commandifft(), gives

ifft([-9 34-31i -27 34+31i])

ans =

8 20 -26 -11

This isthe circular convolution of f[n]andg[n], thatis

f[n] ○∗ g[n] = 8,20,−26,−11

This example has illustrated how circular convolution can be achieved through the use

of the d.f.t.


can alsobe found.

If f[n] is a finite sequence of lengthN 1

andg[n] is a finite sequence of lengthN 2


know from Section 24.15.1 that their linear convolution is a sequence of length N 1


N 2


Firstweextendboththesequences f[n]andg[n]tomakeeachhavelengthN 1

+N 2


This extension is done by adding zeros. This process is known as ‘padding’ with zeros.

Then the d.f.t.s of the padded sequences are calculated to give F[k] and G[k]. It can

be shown that the linear convolution of the original sequences is equal to the circular

convolution of the padded sequences. Hence the linear convolution f ∗gis then found


f ∗g = D −1 {F[k]G[k]}

Consider the following example.

Example24.30 If f[n] is the finite sequence 7,−1 andg[n] is the finite sequence 4,2,−7 use circular

convolution with padded zeros toobtain the linear convolution f ∗g.

Solution Their linear convolution isasequence of length 2 +3−1 = 4.

We pad f andgtogive sequences of length 4.

f[n] = 7,−1,0,0 andg[n] = 4,2,−7,0

Then, either by direct calculation or by using a computer package you can verify that

F[k]=6,7+j,8,7−j and G[k]=−1,11−2j,−5,11+2j

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