

806 Chapter 24 The Fourier transformn=0 n=1 n=272–4999–4– 1 327– 1 3–42– 1 37Sums of products:(9)(7) + ( –1)(– 4) + (3)(2) = 73(9)(2) + ( –1)(7) + (3)( – 4) = –1(9)( – 4) + ( –1)(2) + (3)(7) = –17Figure24.28The sequences f[m]drawn around the inner circle,andg[n −m] drawn around the outer circle,forn=0,1,2.Finally, letn = 2.h[2] =2∑f[m]g[2 −m]m=0= f[0]g[2] + f[1]g[1] + f[2]g[0]= (9)(−4) + (−1)(2) + (3)(7)= −17So the circular convolution f ○∗ g = 73,−1,−17.If required, a table can be constructed which summarizes all the necessary informationaswasshowninExample24.26.Thesequencesmustbeextendedtoshowtheir periodicity, and this time we are only interested in generating the convolutionsequence over one period, namely thatsection of the table form = 0,1,2.m −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5f[m] −1 3 9 −1 3 9 −1 3n=0 g[−m] −4 2 7 −4 2 7 −4 2n=1 g[1−m] 7 −4 2 7 −4 2 7 −4n=2 g[2−m] 2 7 −4 2 7 −4 2 7(b) A graphical representation can be developed by listing the fixed sequence f[m],for m = 0,1,2, anticlockwise around an inner circle as shown in Figure 24.28.We list g[−m] around an outer circle but do so clockwise to take account of thefolding.Byrotatingtheoutercircleanticlockwiseweobtaing[1−m]andg[2−m].Bymultiplyingneighbouringtermsandaddingweobtaintherequiredconvolution.The resultis73,−1,−17 as obtained inpart(a).In the following section you will see how circular convolution can be performed usingthe d.f.t.

24.15 Discrete convolution and correlation 807EXERCISES24.15.21 Calculate the circular convolution of f[n] = 1, −1,1,3 andg[n] = 7,2,0,1.Solutions1 12, −4,8,2424.15.3 The(circular)convolutiontheoremSuppose f[n]andg[n]areperiodicsequencesofperiodN.Supposefurtherthatthed.f.t.sof f[n] andg[n] forn = 0,1,2,...,N −1 are calculated and are denoted byF[k] andG[k]. The convolution theorem states that the d.f.t. of the circular convolution of f[n]andg[n] isequal tothe product of the d.f.t.sof f[n]andg[n].The convolution theorem:D{f ○∗ g} =F[k]G[k]This is important because it provides a technique for finding a circular convolution. Itfollows fromthe theorem thatf ○∗ g = D −1 {F[k]G[k]}So,tofind the circular convolution of f[n] andg[n] weproceed as follows:(1) Find the corresponding d.f.t.s,F[k] andG[k].(2) Multiply these together toobtainF[k]G[k].(3) Find the inverse d.f.t. togive f ○∗ g.Whilst this procedure may seem complicated, it is nevertheless an efficient way of calculatinga convolution.Example24.28 Usethe convolution theorem tofind f ○∗ gwhen f[n] = 5,4 andg[n] = −1,3.Solution Firstwefind the corresponding d.f.t.s,F[k] andG[k]. UsingF[k] =∑N−1n=0withN = 2 givesF[0] =f[n]e −2jnkπ/N1∑f[n] =9, F[1] =n=01∑f[n]e −jnπ = 5 +4e −jπ = 1n=0

806 Chapter 24 The Fourier transform

n=0 n=1 n=2








– 1 3



– 1 3



– 1 3


Sums of products:

(9)(7) + ( –1)(– 4) + (3)(2) = 73

(9)(2) + ( –1)(7) + (3)( – 4) = –1

(9)( – 4) + ( –1)(2) + (3)(7) = –17


The sequences f[m]drawn around the inner circle,andg[n −m] drawn around the outer circle,


Finally, letn = 2.

h[2] =


f[m]g[2 −m]


= f[0]g[2] + f[1]g[1] + f[2]g[0]

= (9)(−4) + (−1)(2) + (3)(7)

= −17

So the circular convolution f ○∗ g = 73,−1,−17.

If required, a table can be constructed which summarizes all the necessary informationaswasshowninExample24.26.Thesequencesmustbeextendedtoshow

their periodicity, and this time we are only interested in generating the convolution

sequence over one period, namely thatsection of the table form = 0,1,2.

m −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5

f[m] −1 3 9 −1 3 9 −1 3

n=0 g[−m] −4 2 7 −4 2 7 −4 2

n=1 g[1−m] 7 −4 2 7 −4 2 7 −4

n=2 g[2−m] 2 7 −4 2 7 −4 2 7

(b) A graphical representation can be developed by listing the fixed sequence f[m],

for m = 0,1,2, anticlockwise around an inner circle as shown in Figure 24.28.

We list g[−m] around an outer circle but do so clockwise to take account of the



The resultis73,−1,−17 as obtained inpart(a).

In the following section you will see how circular convolution can be performed using

the d.f.t.

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