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802 Chapter 24 The Fourier transform

The terms of this sequence can be calculated by brute force as the following example

will show, although in practice a convolution can be calculated much more efficiently

using a d.f.t.

Example24.26 Suppose f[n]isthe sequence 3,9,2,−1, andg[n] isthe sequence −4,8,5.

(a) Find the linear convolutionh[n] = f ∗gusing the previous formula.

(b) Develop a graphical interpretation of thisprocess.

Solution (a) Notethatboth f andgarefinitesequences oflength4and3respectively. Theconvolution

f ∗gwill be a sequence of length 4 +3−1 = 6.By definition,

h[n] =





The first terminh[n] isobtained by lettingn = 0:

h[0] =


f[m]g[0 −m]


= f[0]g[0]

= (3)(−4)

= −12

The second termisobtained by lettingn = 1:

h[1] =


f[m]g[1 −m]


= f[0]g[1] + f[1]g[0]

= (3)(8) + (9)(−4)


= −12

Subsequent terms are calculated in a similar manner. You should obtain these for

yourself toensure thatyou understand the process.The complete sequence is

h[n] = f ∗g= −12,−12,79,65,2,−5

(b) The graphical interpretation is developed along the same lines as was done for the

continuous convolution inSection 24.8.

The sequences f[m]andg[m] areshown inFigure 24.24.

The sequence g[−m] is found by reflection in the vertical axis, that is folding as

shown in Figure 24.25(a). Then the folded graph can be translatednunits to the left or

therightbychangingtheargumentofgfromg[m]tog[n −m].Ifnispositivethegraph

moves to the right. Study Figures 24.25(b--g) to observe this. Convolution is the sum

of products of f[m] with g[n −m]. The graph of f[m] is superimposed. We are only

interested in values ofnfor which the graphs overlap -- otherwise each product is zero.

For each value ofnthe superimposed graphs make it easy to see which values must be

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