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24.10 Derivation of the d.f.t. 787

Then, takingn = 0,1,2,3 gives the sequence:

f[n]=− 1 2 ,−1,−3 2 ,−1


1 Usethe definition to findthe inverse d.f.t. ofthe

sequenceF[k] = 6, −2,2, −2.

2 Investigatewhether you have access to acomputer

packagewhichwill calculatean inverse d.f.t. Use the

packageto verifyyour answer to Question1.

3 Prove that f[n] = 1 ∑ N−1

N k=0 F[k]e2jknπ/N is indeed

the inverse ofF[k] = ∑ N−1

m=0 f[m]e−2jkmπ/N by

substituting the expression forF[k] fromthe second

formula intothe first,interchanging the orderof

summation andsimplifyingthe result.


1 f[n]=1,1,3,1


24.10.1 Somepreliminaryresults

A number of results discussed earlier in this book will be required in the development

whichfollows. To assistinthisdevelopment weremind youofthesenow.

Euler’s relations have beendiscussedinSection9.7.Recallthat

e −jθ =cosθ−jsinθ

and inparticular that

e −2nπj = cos2nπ −jsin2nπ

Furthermore, whennisaninteger cos2nπ = 1 and sin2nπ = 0 and so e −2nπj = 1.

Thefollowing integral propertyofthe delta, orimpulse, functionwill beneeded:

∫ ∞


f(t)δ(t −a)dt = f(a)

So,multiplyinganyfunction, f (t),bythedeltafunction δ(t−a),representinganimpulse

occurring att = a, and integrating, results in f (a). This sifting property of the delta

function, so called because it sifts out the value of f (t) at the location of the impulse,

has beendiscussedinSection16.4. Inparticular, when f (t) = e −jωt wenote

∫ ∞


e −jωt δ(t −a)dt = e −jωa

When a continuous function f (t), which is defined for t 0, is evaluated at times

t = 0,T,2T,...,nT,... we obtain the sequence of values f(0),f(T),f(2T),...,

f (nT),..., which we denote more concisely by the sequence f[0], f[1], f[2],...,

f[n],…. This sequence can be expressed in the form of a continuous function, ˜f(t),

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