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24.9 The discrete Fourier transform 783


1 Find the convolution of

{ 2

f(t)= 3 t 0t3

0 otherwise


{ 4 −1t3

g(t) =

0 otherwise

2 Theconvolution ofafunctionwith itselfis known as

autoconvolution.Find the autoconvolution f ∗ f


{ 1 −1t1


0 otherwise

3 Find the correlationof f (t) = 1 for −1 t 1 and

zerootherwise, andg(t) =u(t)e −t .Verify the

correlationtheoremforthese functions.

4 Prove thatconvolution iscommutative, thatis

f ∗g=g ∗ f.Note thatcorrelationis not.

5 Show thatif f (t)andg(t) are both zero,fort < 0,

then (f ∗g)(t) = ∫ t

0 f(λ)g(t − λ)dλ.

6 Prove the convolution theorem.

7 Show that f (t) ⋆g(t) = f (t) ∗g(−t).Deduce thata


Showalsothat f(t) ∗g(t) = f(t) ⋆g(−t).

8 Prove thatthe correlationintegral

f⋆g= ∫ ∞

−∞ f (λ)g(λ −t)dλcanalsobe writtenin

the form ∫ ∞

−∞g(λ)f(t + λ)dλ.

9 Prove the correlationtheorem.


0 t−1


⎪⎨ 3 (t+1)2 −1<t2

1 f∗g= 12 2<t3

12 − 4 ⎪⎩ 3 (t−3)2 3<t6

0 t>6


t+2 −2t0

2 f∗f= 2−t 0<t2


0 otherwise


e t (e 1 −e −1 ) t <−1

3 f⋆g= 1−e


t−1 −1t1

0 t>1



it is necessary to use a computer and so some form of approximation is needed. In this

section we show how a function f (t), with Fourier transformF(ω), can be sampled at

intervalsofT togiveasequenceofvalues f (0), f (T), f (2T)....ThediscreteFourier

transform (d.f.t.) takes such a sequence and processes it to produce a new sequence


basis of most signal and image processing methods. The use of a computer is essential

because ofthe enormousnumberofcalculationsrequired.

We start by stating the transform and provide a simple example to show how it is

calculated. The interested reader should refer to Section 24.10 for a derivation which

shows the relationshipbetween the Fourier transform and the d.f.t.

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