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viii Contents

Chapter4 Coordinatesystems 154

4.1 Introduction 154

4.2 Cartesiancoordinate system – two dimensions 154

4.3 Cartesiancoordinate system – three dimensions 157

4.4 Polar coordinates 159

4.5 Some simple polar curves 163

4.6 Cylindricalpolar coordinates 166

4.7 Spherical polar coordinates 170

Review exercises 4 173

Chapter5 Discretemathematics 175

5.1 Introduction 175

5.2 Set theory 175

5.3 Logic 183

5.4 Boolean algebra 185

Review exercises 5 197

Chapter6 Sequencesandseries 200

6.1 Introduction 200

6.2 Sequences 201

6.3 Series 209

6.4 The binomial theorem 214

6.5 Power series 218

6.6 Sequences arising from the iterativesolution

of non-linear equations 219

Review exercises 6 222

Chapter7 Vectors 224

7.1 Introduction 224

7.2 Vectors and scalars: basic concepts 224

7.3 Cartesiancomponents 232

7.4 Scalar fields and vector fields 240

7.5 The scalar product 241

7.6 The vector product 246

7.7 Vectors ofndimensions 253

Review exercises 7 255

Chapter8 Matrixalgebra 257

8.1 Introduction 257

8.2 Basic definitions 258

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