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24.8 Convolution and correlation 775

Theconvolution theoremstatesthatconvolutioninthetimedomaincorresponds to

multiplication inthe frequency domain:

The convolution theorem:

If F{f(t)} =F(ω)and F{g(t)} =G(ω)then

F{f ∗g} =F(ω)G(ω)


the Fourier transform,since

f∗g=F −1 {F(ω)G(ω)}

So,itis possible tofind the convolution of f (t)andg(t), by

(1) finding the corresponding Fourier transforms,F(ω)andG(ω),

(2) multiplying these together toformF(ω)G(ω),

(3) finding the inverse Fourier transform which then yields f ∗g.

This is a process often used for finding convolutions using a computer as will be explained

inSection 24.15.


thisinthe following example.

Example24.16 (a) Usingthe definition ofconvolution, calculate the convolution f ∗gwhen

f (t) =u(t)e −t andg(t) =u(t)e −2t , whereu(t) isthe unit stepfunction.

(b) Verifythe convolution theorem for these functions.

Solution (a) The convolution of f andgisgiven by


f(t)=u(t)e –t

g(t) = u(t)e –2t t



f(t) =u(t)e −t and

g(t) =u(t)e −2t .


∫ ∞


f(λ)g(t − λ)dλ

Graphs of f (t)andg(t) areshown inFigure 24.12.


termsintheintegrand.Notethatif f (t) =u(t)e −t then f (λ) =u(λ)e −λ .Similarly

g(λ) =u(λ)e −2λ .Thefunctiong(−λ)isfoundbyreflectingg(λ)intheverticalaxis


folding.Thefoldedgraphcanbetranslatedadistancet totheleftortotherightby

changingtheargumentofgtog(t −λ).Ift isnegativethegraphmovestotheleftas

shown in Figure 24.13(b) whereas ift is positive it moves to the right as shown in

Figure 24.13(c). In Figure 24.13 we have superimposed the graphs of f (λ), shown

dashed, andg(t − λ), fort being negative, zero and positive. Where the graphs do

notoverlap,theproduct f (λ)g(t −λ),andhencetheconvolution,mustbezero.We

examineseparatelythedomainst < 0andt 0correspondingtowherethegraphs

do notoverlap and where they do overlap respectively.

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