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774 Chapter 24 The Fourier transform

Fourier transform is applicable to functions with domain −∞ < t < ∞. In some applications

where, for example, t represents not time but a spatial variable, it is often

necessary towork with negative values.

The inverse Fourier transformisgiven by

F −1 {F(ω)} = 1 ∫ ∞

F(ω)e jωt dω (24.10)

2π −∞


of complex variables which are beyond the scope of this book. The existence of Equation

(24.10) is not quite as advantageous as it may seem because it is often difficult to

perform the required integration analytically.


Convolution is an important technique in signal and image processing. It provides a

means of calculating the response or output of a system to an arbitrary input signal if

the impulse response is known. The impulse response is the response of the system to


response to the arbitrary input. Correlation is a second important technique. It can be

used to determine the time delay between a transmitted signal and a received signal as

might occur inradarorsonar detection equipment.

24.8.1 Convolutionandtheconvolutiontheorem

If f (t) andg(t) are two real piecewise continuous functions, their convolution, which

wedenoteby f ∗g, isdefinedasfollows:

Theconvolution of f (t)andg(t):


∫ ∞


f(λ)g(t − λ)dλ

f ∗gisitselfafunctionoft, andtoshowthisexplicitly wesometimes write (f ∗g)(t).

Note that convolution is an integral with respect to the dummy variable λ. In general,

as can be seen from the limits of integration, λ varies from −∞ to ∞, but in particular


follow the precisemeaning ofthe terms f (λ)andg(t − λ) will become apparent.

Because convolution is commutative, that is f ∗g = g ∗ f, the convolution can be

defined equivalently as

∫ ∞


f(t − λ)g(λ)dλ

Incaseswhen f (t)andg(t)arezerofort < 0thisexpressionreducestothatdefinedfor

the Laplace transform inSection21.9.

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