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770 Chapter 24 The Fourier transform


Solution We know F(ω) =

1+jω is the Fourier transform of f (t) = u(t)e−t . Therefore

2π(u(−ω)e ω 1

)is the Fourier transform of

1+jt .



component, for example f (t) = sint, we would hope that the exercise of finding the

Fourier transform would resultinaspectrum containing thatsinglefrequency.

Unfortunately if we try to find the Fourier transform of, say, f (t) = sint problems

arisesince the integral

∫ ∞


sinte −jωt dt

cannot be evaluated in the usual sense because sint oscillates indefinitely as |t| → ∞.

In particular, Condition (2) of Section 24.2 fails since ∫ ∞

|sint|dt diverges. There are


many other functions which give rise to similar difficulties, for instance the unit step

function, polynomials and so on. All these functions fail to have a Fourier transform

in its usual sense. However, by making use of the delta function it is possible to make

progress even with functions like these.

24.6.1 TheFouriertransformof δ(t −a)

Example24.10 Usethe propertiesofthe deltafunction todeduceits Fourier transform.

Solution Bydefinition

F{δ(t −a)} =

∫ ∞


δ(t −a)e −jωt dt

Next, recall the following propertyofthe delta function

∫ ∞


f(t)δ(t −a)dt = f(a) (24.9)

foranyreasonablywell-behavedfunction f (t).UsingEquation(24.9)with f (t) = e −jωt


F{δ(t −a)} =

∫ ∞


e −jωt δ(t −a)dt = e −jωa

In particular, ifa = 0 wehave F{δ(t)} = 1.This resultisdepictedinFigure 24.9.

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