

768 Chapter 24 The Fourier transformuX(v)uuF(v)u(a)v(b)–v cFigure24.6Amplitude modulation. (a)Spectrum ofthe modulation signal; (b)spectrum oftheamplitude-modulated signal.Taking the Fourier transformand using the first shifttheorem yields{ x(t)(ejω t c +e −jω c t })F{φ(t)} = (ω) = F2{ ejω t } {c x(t) e−jω t }c x(t)= F + F2 2v cv= 1 2 (X(ω−ω c )+X(ω+ω c ))whereX(ω) = F{x(t)}, the frequency spectrum of the modulation signal.Let us consider the case where the frequency spectrum, |X(ω)|, has the profileshown in Figure 24.6(a). The frequency spectrum of the amplitude-modulated signal,|(ω)|, is shown in Figure 24.6(b). All of the frequencies of the amplitudemodulatedsignalaremuchhigherthanthefrequenciesofthemodulationsignalthusallowing a much smaller antenna to be used to transmit the signal. This method ofamplitude modulation is known as suppressed carrier amplitude modulation becausethe carrier signal is modulated to its full depth and so the spectrum of theamplitude-modulated signalhas no identifiable carrier component.EXERCISES24.41 Show thatthe Fourier transformofthe pulse{ t+1 −1<t<0f(t)=1−t 0<t<1can be written asPlotagraph ofthe spectrum of f (t)for−2π ω 2π.Writedown an integral expressionforthe pulse whichwould result ifthe signal f (t)were passed through a filterwhicheliminatesallangularfrequenciesgreaterthan2π.SolutionsF(ω) = 2 ω 2 (1−cosω)1∫1 2π2(1−cosω) ejωt2π −2π ω 2 dω24.5 THEt−ω DUALITYPRINCIPLEWe have, fromthe definition ofthe Fourier integral,f(t)= 1 ∫ ∞F(ω)e jωt dω (24.6)2π−∞

The t−ω duality principle 769f(t)1F(v)2 sint——— t2pf(v)2p–1 1tvt–1 1vFigure24.7Illustrating thet--ω duality principle.Figure24.8Illustrating thet--ω duality principle.whereF(ω) =∫ ∞−∞f (t)e −jωt dt (24.7)is the Fourier transform of f (t). In Equation (24.6), ω is a dummy variable so, for example,Equation (24.6) could be equivalently written asf(t)= 12π∫ ∞−∞F(z)e jzt dz (24.8)Then, from Equation (24.8),replacingt by −ω wefindf(−ω) = 12π∫ ∞−∞F(z)e −jωz dz = 12π∫ ∞−∞F(t)e −jωt dtwhich werecognize as 1 timesthe Fourier transformofF(t).2πWe have the following result:IfF(ω)isthe Fourier transformof f (t)thenf(−ω)is 1 ×(theFourier transform ofF(t))2πwhich isknown as thet--ω duality principle.We have seen inExample 24.2 that if{ 1 |t|1f(t)=0 |t|>1thenF(ω) = 2sinωω.ThisisdepictedinFigure24.7.Fromthedualityprinciplewecanimmediately deduce that{ } 2sintF =2πf(−ω)=2πf(ω)tsince f is an even function (Figure 24.8). Unfortunately it is very difficult to verify thisresult in most cases because while one of the integrals is relatively straightforward toevaluate, the other is usually very difficult. However, we can use the result to derive anumber of new Fourier transforms.Example24.9 GiventhattheFouriertransformofu(t)e −t isthe transform of11+jt .11+jω usethedualityprincipletodeduce

768 Chapter 24 The Fourier transform






–v c


Amplitude modulation. (a)Spectrum ofthe modulation signal; (b)spectrum ofthe

amplitude-modulated signal.

Taking the Fourier transformand using the first shifttheorem yields

{ x(t)(e

jω t c +e −jω c t }


F{φ(t)} = (ω) = F


{ e

jω t } {

c x(t) e

−jω t }

c x(t)

= F + F

2 2

v c


= 1 2 (X(ω−ω c )+X(ω+ω c ))

whereX(ω) = F{x(t)}, the frequency spectrum of the modulation signal.

Let us consider the case where the frequency spectrum, |X(ω)|, has the profile

shown in Figure 24.6(a). The frequency spectrum of the amplitude-modulated signal,

|(ω)|, is shown in Figure 24.6(b). All of the frequencies of the amplitudemodulatedsignalaremuchhigherthanthefrequenciesofthemodulationsignalthus

allowing a much smaller antenna to be used to transmit the signal. This method of

amplitude modulation is known as suppressed carrier amplitude modulation because

the carrier signal is modulated to its full depth and so the spectrum of the

amplitude-modulated signalhas no identifiable carrier component.


1 Show thatthe Fourier transformofthe pulse

{ t+1 −1<t<0


1−t 0<t<1

can be written as

Plotagraph ofthe spectrum of f (t)for

−2π ω 2π.Writedown an integral expression

forthe pulse whichwould result ifthe signal f (t)

were passed through a filterwhicheliminatesall



F(ω) = 2 ω 2 (1−cosω)


1 2π

2(1−cosω) ejωt

2π −2π ω 2 dω


We have, fromthe definition ofthe Fourier integral,

f(t)= 1 ∫ ∞

F(ω)e jωt dω (24.6)


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