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58 Chapter 2 Engineering functions

Solution (a) y(t +2) = (t +2) 2 + (t +2) =t 2 +5t+6

( ( ) t t 2 ( t

(b) y = + =


2 2)

t2 4 + t 2

2.3.2 Graphofafunction

A function may be represented in graphical form. The function f (x) = 2x is shown in


toastheyaxis, sothat weoften write


f (x)



1 x

Sincexandycan have a number of possible values, they are called variables:xis the

independent variable and y is the dependent variable. Knowing a value of the independent

variable,x, allows us to calculate the corresponding value of the dependent

variable,y. To show this dependence we often writey(x). The set of values thatxis allowedtotakeiscalledthedomainofthefunction.Adomainisoftenanintervalonthe

x axis. For example, if



Thefunction: f (x) = 2x.

f(x)=3x+1 −5x10 (2.1)

thedomainofthefunction, f,istheclosedinterval[−5,10].Ifthedomainofafunction

isnot explicitly given itis taken tobe the largestset possible. For example,

g(x)=x 2 −4 (2.2)

hasadomainof (−∞,∞)sincegisdefinedforeveryvalueofxandthedomainhasnot

been given otherwise. The set of values that the function takes on is called the range.

The range of f (x) in Equation (2.1) is [−14,31]; the range ofg(x) in Equation (2.2) is


Wenowconsiderplottingthefunction f (t) =t 2 for0 t < 100inatechnicalcomputing

language. Firstwegenerate a number set as shown inSection 2.2.

t= 0:1:100

Then we produce a graph of the function by using the MATLAB ® plot command to

give the following

plot(t, t.^2)

Example2.4 Consider the function, f,given by the rule:‘squarethe input’. This can bewritten as

f(x)=x 2

Theruleandthegraphof f areshowninFigure2.5.Thedomainof f is (−∞,∞)and

the range is[0,∞).

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