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724 Chapter 23 Fourier series

all angular frequencies are integer multiples of the fundamental angular frequency ω 1


which is missing. Nevertheless, f (t) has the same angular frequency as the fundamental.

A common value for ω 1

is 100π as this corresponds to a frequency of 50 Hz, the

frequency of the UK mains supply.

Example23.1 Describe the frequency and amplitude characteristics of the different harmonic components

of the function

f (t) = cos20πt +0.6cos60πt −0.2sin140πt

Solution Thefundamentalangularfrequencyis20πarisingthroughthetermcos20πt.Thiscorresponds

to a frequency of 10 Hz. This term has amplitude 1. The second, fourth, fifth



Example23.2 If f (t) = 2sint + 3cost, express f (t) as a single sinusoid and hence determine its

amplitude and phase.

Solution Both terms have angular frequency ω = 1. Recalling the trigonometric identity (Section



whereR = √ a 2 +b 2 ,tanθ = b a , we see that in this caseR = √ 3 2 +2 2 = √ 13 and

tanθ = 2 , that is θ = 0.59 radians. Therefore we can express f (t)inthe form


f(t)= √ 13cos(t −0.59)

We see immediately that this is a sinusoid of amplitude √ 13 and phase angle −0.59


Example23.3 Findthe amplitudeand phase ofthe fundamentalcomponent ofthe function

f(t) =0.5sinω 1

t +1.5cosω 1

t +3.5sin2ω 1

t −3cos3ω 1


Solution Contributions to the fundamentalcomponent -- that is, that with the lowest frequency --

come from the terms 0.5sin ω 1

t and 1.5cos ω 1

t only. To find the amplitude and phase

wemustexpress theseasasinglecomponent.Usingthe trigonometricidentity


whereR = √ a 2 +b 2 ,tanθ = b a , wefind

R = √ 1.5 2 +0.5 2 = 1.58

tanθ = 0.5

1.5 = 1 thatis, θ = 0.32 radians


Therefore the fundamental can bewritten1.58cos(ω 1

t −0.32) and has amplitude1.58

and phase angle −0.32 radians.

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