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23 Fourierseries

Contents 23.1 Introduction 722

23.2 Periodicwaveforms 723

23.3 Oddandevenfunctions 726

23.4 Orthogonalityrelationsandotherusefulidentities 732

23.5 Fourierseries 733

23.6 Half-rangeseries 745

23.7 Parseval’stheorem 748

23.8 Complexnotation 749

23.9 Frequencyresponseofalinearsystem 751

Reviewexercises23 755


The ability to analyse waveforms of various types is an important engineering skill.


down a wave into its various frequency components. It is then possible to predict the

effect a particular waveform may have from knowledge of the effects of its individual

frequency components. Often an engineer finds it useful to think of a signal in terms of

its frequency components rather than in terms of its time domain representation. This

alternative view is called a frequency domain representation. It is particularly useful

when trying to understand the effect of a filter on a signal. Filters are used extensively



removing the transmission signal to leave the audio signal. We shall begin this chapter

by reviewing the essential properties of waves before describing how breaking down

into frequency components isachieved.

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