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22.11 Inversion of z transforms 717

We now split the r.h.s. expression into partial fractions using the standard techniques

discussed inSection 1.7.This gives



= 1

z −5 + 1

z +4

Multiplying byzgives

F(z) =


z −5 + z

z +4

It is now possible to invert this expression for F(z) using the z transform table,

Table 22.2. This gives

f[k] =5 k + (−4) k

22.11.1 Directinversion

Sometimes it is possible to invert a transform F(z) directly by reading off the coefficients.

Example22.28 Find f[k]if

F(z)=1+z −1 +z −2 +z −3 +···

Solution Usingthe definitionoftheztransform wesee that


Occasionallyitispossible torewriteF(z)toobtain the required form.

Example22.29 Use the binomial theorem to expand

sequence withztransformF(z) =

Solution Usingthe binomial theorem, wehave


1 − 1 ) −3 (

=1+(−3) − 1 z z


1 − 1 ) −3

up to the term 1 z z4. Hence find the

z 3

(z −1) 3.


+ (−3)(−4)


+ (−3)(−4)(−5) (

− 1 3! z

= 1 + 3 z + 6 z + 10

2 z + 15

3 z +··· 4

provided |z| > 1.Since

z 3 ( ) z −1 −3 (

F(z) =

(z −1) = = 1 − 1 ) −3

3 z z


− 1 ) 2


) 3

+ (−3)(−4)(−5)(−6)



− 1 z

) 4


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