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22.2 Basic definitions 683

22.2.2 Thesolutionofadifferenceequation

A solution is obtained when the dependent variable is known for each value of interest

of the independent variable. Thus the solution takes the form of a sequence. There are

frequently many different sequences which satisfy a difference equation; that is, there


can be obtained from it.

Example22.1 Showx[n] =A2 n , whereAisaconstant, isasolution of

x[n +1] −2x[n] = 0

Solution x[n] =A2 n x[n +1] =A2 n+1 = 2A2 n


x[n +1] −2x[n] = 2A2 n −2A2 n = 0

Hencex[n] =A2 n isasolutionofthegivendifferenceequation.Infactx[n]isthegeneral


If additionally we are given a condition, sayx[0] = 3, the constantAcan be found. If

x[n] =A2 n , thenx[0] =A2 0 =Aand hence

A = 3

The solution is thus x[n] = 3(2 n ). This is the specific solution and satisfies both the

difference equation and the given condition.

22.2.3 Linearandnon-linearequations


isnot linear itisnon-linear. For example,

3x[n +1] −x[n] = 10

y[n+1]−2y[n−1]=n 2

kz[k +2] +z[k] =z[k −1]

arealllinearequations.Notethatthepresenceofthetermn 2 doesnotmaketheequation

non-linear, sincenisthe independent variable. However,

(x[n +1]) 2 −x[n] = 10

y[k+1]= √ y[k] +1

areboth non-linear. Also,

z[n +1]z[n] =n 2 +100

sinx[n] =x[n −1]

arenon-linear.Theproducttermz[n +1]z[n]andthetermsinx[n]arethecausesofthe


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