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682 Chapter 22 Difference equations and the z transform


will be introduced to theztransform and one of its applications -- the solution of linear

constant coefficient difference equations. The z transform is of increasing importance

as more and more engineering systems now contain a microprocessor or computer and




computer toschedule production.


Before classifying difference equations wewill first derive an example of one.

Suppose a microprocessor system is being used to capture and analyse images. The

number of instruction cycles,i, of the microprocessor needed to process an image depends

on the number of pixels, n, that the image is broken down into. Clearly n is a

non-negative integer, that is n ∈ N. Since i depends upon n we write i = i[n]. The


there arenitemsof data, the number of instruction cycles used isi[n].

Suppose that if there aren + 1 items of data, the number of instruction cycles used

increases by 10n +1.Then,



variable isn.

Puttingn = 0 inthe difference equation gives

i[1] =i[0] +10(0) +1 =1

Similarly,i[2] = 12,i[3] = 33,i[4] = 64andsoon.Weseethatthedifferenceequation

gives risetoasequence of values.

There are strong similarities between difference and differential equations. The important

point to note is that with difference equations, the independent variable is discrete,

not continuous. In the above example,nis the number of pixels; it can have only

integer values. This discrete property of the independent variable is an essential and

distinguishing feature of difference equations. Much of the terminology of differential

equations isapplied, withidentical meaning, todifference equations.

22.2.1 Dependentandindependentvariables

Consider a simple difference equation:

x[n +1] −x[n] = 10

The dependent variable isx; the independent variable isn. Inthe difference equation


the dependent variable isyand the independent variable isk.

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