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21.12 Poles, zeros and thesplane 669

Example21.31 Find the poles of

s −2

(s 2 +2s +5)(s +1) .

Solution The denominator isfactorized into linear factors:

(s 2 +2s+5)(s+1)= (s−p 1

)(s−p 2

)(s−p 3


where p 1

= −1 +2j, p 2

= −1 −2j, p 3

= −1.The poles are −1 +2j,−1 −2j,−1.

IfX(s)= 1

s−p 1

where the pole p 1

isgiven bya +bj,then

x(t) =e p 1 t =e at e btj = e at (cosbt +jsinbt)

Hence the real part of the pole,a, gives rise to an exponential term and the imaginary

part,b,givesrisetoanoscillatoryterm.Ifa < 0theresponse,x(t),willdecreasetozero


ConsidertheLaplacetransforminExample21.25.Therearethreepoles: −1, −1+j

and −1 − j. The real pole is negative, and the real parts of the complex poles are also


complex poles gives rise to the oscillatory term, cost. The characteristics of poles and

the corresponding responses arenow discussed.




R(s) =G(s)


and so

C(s) =G(s)R(s)

C(s) = K(s−z 1 )(s−z 2 )...(s−z m )R(s)

(s−p 1

)(s−p 2

)...(s−p n


The poles and zeros of the system are independent of the input that is applied. All that

R(s)contributes tothe expression forC(s)isextra poles and zeros.

Consider the case whereR(s) = 1 , corresponding toaunit stepinput:


C(s) = K(s−z 1 )(s−z 2 )...(s−z m )

(s−p 1

)(s−p 2

)...(s−p n


= A 1

+ A 2


A n

+ B 1

s−p 1

s−p 2

s−p n


whereA 1

,A 2

,...,A n

andB 1

areconstants. Taking inverse Laplace transformsyields

c(t) =A 1

e p 1 t +A 2

e p 2 t +···+A n

e p n t +B 1

If the system is stable then p 1

,p 2

,...,p n

will have negative real parts and their contribution

toc(t) will vanish ast → ∞.


itdecreaseswithtimeforastablesystem.Thecomponent ofthetransientresponsedue

to a particular pole is often termed its transient. Notice that the form of the transient


poles. It is now possible to derive a series of rules relating the transient response of the

systemtothe positions of the systempoles inthesplane.

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