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21.5 Laplace transform of derivatives and integrals 637

Consider the Laplace transformof theequation forthe voltage across acapacitor

of capacitanceC. Recall fromEngineering application 21.1 that

V(s)= 1 Cs I(s)



Z(s) = V(s)

I(s) = 1 Cs


a variety of situations where the voltages and currents can take a number of forms,

for example step inputs, sine waves, triangular waves, etc. However, if we are only

interested in the sinusoidal steady-state response of the system when all transients

have decayed, then itispossible tosubstitutes = jω into the expression forZ(s)

Z(jω) = V(jω)

I(jω) = 1


This form of the impedance is the one regularly used in a.c. circuit theory. It gives


ω,where ω = 2πf.(Thisresulthasalreadybeendiscussedinthecontextofphasors

on page 342).

Thesamesubstitutioncan bemade toobtain thefrequency responseofasystem,


amplitude and a means of measuring the output amplitude and phase relative to the

original signal. Measurements of this sort can reveal some of the properties of the


the frequency response.


1 TheLaplacetransform ofy(t)isY(s),y(0) = 3,

y ′ (0) = 1. Find the Laplacetransformsofthe


(a) y ′ (b) y ′′

(c) 3y ′′ −y ′

(d) y ′′ +2y ′ +3y

(e) 3y ′′ −y ′ +2y

(f) −4y ′′ +5y ′ −3y

(g) 3 d2 y

dt 2 +6dy dt +8y

(h) 4 d2 y

dt 2 −8dy dt +6y

2 Given the Laplacetransform of f (t)isF(s),

f(0)=2,f ′ (0)=3andf ′′ (0) = −1,findthe

Laplace transformsof

(a) 3f ′ −2f

(c) f ′′′

(b) 3f ′′ − f ′ + f

(d) 2f ′′′ − f ′′ +4f ′ −2f

3 (a) IfF(s) = L{f(t)} = ∫ ∞

0 e −st f (t)dt,showusing

integration byparts that

(i) L{f ′ (t)} =sF(s)−f(0)

(ii) L{f ′′ (t)} =s 2 F(s)−sf(0)−f ′ (0)

(b) IfF(s) = L{f (t)}prove that

L{e −at f(t)} =F(s +a)

Deduce L{te −t },given L{t} = 1 s 2.

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