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628 Chapter 21 The Laplace transform


the result is a block diagram for the whole system. By breaking down a system in this

way it is much easier to visualize how the various parts of the system interact and so

a transfer function model is complementary to a time domain model and is a valuable

way of viewing an engineering system. Transfer functions are useful in many areas of

engineering, butareparticularly important inthe design of control systems.


Let f (t) be a function of time t. In many real problems only values of t 0 are of

interest.Hence f (t)is given fort 0,and forallt < 0, f (t) istaken tobe 0.

The Laplace transform of f (t)isF(s), defined by

F(s) =

∫ ∞


e −st f (t)dt

Note that to find the Laplace transform of a function f (t), we multiply it by e −st and

integrate between the limits 0 and ∞.

TheLaplacetransformchanges,ortransforms,thefunction f (t)intoadifferentfunctionF(s).Notealsothatwhereas

f (t)isafunctionoft,F(s)isafunctionofs.Todenote

the Laplace transform of f (t) we write L{f (t)}. We use a lower case letter to represent

the time domain function and an upper case letter to represent thesdomain function.


tobe placed onstoensure thatthe integral does not diverge.

Example21.1 Find the Laplace transformsof

(a) 1

(b) e −at

∫ ∞

[ ] e

Solution (a) L{1} = e −st −st ∞

1dt = = 1

0 −s


s =F(s)

This transformexists provided the real partofs,Re(s), ispositive.

(b) L{e −at } =


∫ ∞


∫ ∞


e −st e −at dt

e −(s+a)t dt

[ e

−(s+a)t ∞


−(s +a)]


( )


= 0 −

−(s +a)

= 1

s +a =F(s)

This transformexists provideds +a > 0.

Throughoutthe chapteritisassumed thatshas a valuesuchthatall integrals exist.

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