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20.6 Euler’s method 619

Whenx = 1,y = 1 so thatD = 1, and the analytical solution is thereforey = x. We

see that in this example the numerical solution by Euler’s method produces the exact

solution. This will always be the case when the exact solution is a linear function and

exact arithmeticisemployed.


1 Using Euler’s method estimatey(3) given

y ′ = x +y


y(2) =1

Useh = 0.5 andh = 0.25. Solvethisequation

analytically and compare your numerical solutions

with the true solution.

2 Findy(0.5)ify ′ =x +y,y(0) = 0.Useh = 0.25and

h = 0.1.Find the truesolution forcomparison.

3 Use Euler’s methodto find v(0.01)given

10 −2dv +v =sin100πt v(0) =0


Takeh = 0.005 andh = 0.002. Find the analytical

solution forcomparison.


1 Exact:y =xln |x| −0.1931x

x i y i y i y

(h = 0.5) (h = 0.25) (exact)

2.00 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

2.25 -- 1.3750 1.3901

2.50 1.7500 1.7778 1.8080

2.75 -- 2.2056 2.2509

3.00 2.6000 2.6561 2.7165

3 Exact:

sin100πt − πcos100πt + πe−100t

v =

π 2 +1

t i v i v

(h = 0.005) (exact)

0 0.0000 0.0000

0.005 0.0000 0.2673

0.010 0.5000 0.3954

2 Exact:y=−x−1+e x

x i y i y

(h = 0.25) (exact)

0 0.0000 0.0000

0.25 0.0000 0.0340

0.50 0.0625 0.1487

x i y i y

(h = 0.1) (exact)

t i v i v

(h = 0.002) (exact)

0 0.0000 0.0000

0.002 0.0000 0.0569

0.004 0.1176 0.1919

0.006 0.2843 0.3354

0.008 0.4176 0.4178

0.010 0.4517 0.3954

0 0.0000 0.0000

0.1 0.0000 0.0052

0.2 0.0100 0.0214

0.3 0.0310 0.0499

0.4 0.0641 0.0918

0.5 0.1105 0.1487

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