

610 Chapter 20 Ordinary differential equations IIy CCRi~LFigure20.6Thecircuitcould be modelled using v C andiasthe statevariables.each other. For example, for the electrical system of Figure 20.6, the choice of v Cand3v Cwouldleadtothetwostatevariablesbeingdependentoneachother.Avalidchoicewouldbe v Candiwhicharenotdirectlydependentoneachother.Thisisasecond-ordersystemand so only requires two statevariables tomodel itsbehaviour.Many engineering systems may have a high order and so require several differentialequations to model their behaviour. For this reason, a standard way of laying out theseequations has evolved to reduce the chance of making errors. There is also an addedadvantage in that the standard layout makes it easier to present the equations to a digitalcomputer for solution. Before introducing the standard form, an example will bepresented toillustratethe statevariable method.Engineeringapplication20.1State-spacemodelforaspring-mass-dampersystemConsiderthemechanicalsystemillustratedinFigure20.7.Amassrestsonafrictionlesssurfaceandisconnectedtoafixedwallbymeansofanidealspringandanidealdamper. Aforce, f (t), isapplied tothe mass and the position ofthe mass is w.KBMwf(t)Figure20.7Asecond-order mechanicalsystem.By considering the forces acting on the mass,M, it is possible to devise a differentialequation that models the behaviour of the system. The force produced by thespring isKw (K is the spring stiffness) and opposes the forward motion. The forceproduced by the damper isB dw , where B is the damping coefficient, and this alsodtopposestheforwardmotion.Sincethemassisconstant,Newton’ssecondlawofmotionstates that the net force on the mass is equal to the product of the mass and itsacceleration. Thus wefindf(t)−B dw −Kw=M d2 w(20.8)dt dt 2Note that this is a second-order differential equation and so the system is a secondordersystem.Inordertoobtainastate-spacemodelthestatevariableshavetobechosen.Thereareseveralpossiblechoices.Anobviousoneistheposition, w,ofthemass.Asecond

20.4 State-space models 611statevariableisrequiredasthesystemissecondorder.Inthiscasethevelocityofthemasswillbechosen.Thevelocityofthemassisnotdirectlydependentonitspositionand so the two variables are independent. Another possible choice would have beendw−w.Thismayseemaclumsychoicebutforcertainproblemssuchchoicesmaydtlead tosimplifications inthe statevariable equations.Itiscustomarytousethesymbolsx 1,x 2,x 3,...torepresentvariablesforreasonsthat will become clear shortly. So,x 1=w(20.9a)x 2= dw(20.9b)dtBecause of the particular choice of state variables, it is easy to obtain the first ofthefirst-orderdifferentialequations--thusillustratingtheneedforexperiencewhenchoosing statevariables.Differentiating Equation (20.9a) givesdx 1= dw =xdt dt 2This isthe first stateequation although itisusually written asẋ 1=x 2where ẋ 1denotes dx 1. The second of the first-order equations is obtained by rearrangingEquationdt(20.8):d 2 w= − K dt 2 M w − B dw+ 1 f (t) (20.10)M dt MHowever, differentiating Equation (20.9b) we getd 2 wdt 2 =ẋ 2Then, usingEquation (20.10) weobtainẋ 2=− K M x 1 − B M x 2 + 1 M f(t)Finally, itisusual toarrange the stateequations inaparticular way:ẋ 1= + x 2ẋ 2=− K M x 1 − B M x 2 + 1 M f(t)w=x 1Note that it is conventional to relate the output of the system to the state variables.Assume that for this system the required output variable is the position of the mass,that is w.Itisstraightforward torewrite these equations inmatrix form:) ( )( ) ( )(ẋ1 0 1 x1 0=+ f(t)ẋ2 −K/M −B/M x 21/Mw = ( 1 0 ) ( )x 1x 2

20.4 State-space models 611



and so the two variables are independent. Another possible choice would have been




lead tosimplifications inthe statevariable equations.

Itiscustomarytousethesymbolsx 1

,x 2

,x 3


that will become clear shortly. So,

x 1



x 2

= dw



Because of the particular choice of state variables, it is easy to obtain the first of


choosing statevariables.

Differentiating Equation (20.9a) gives

dx 1

= dw =x

dt dt 2

This isthe first stateequation although itisusually written as

ẋ 1

=x 2

where ẋ 1

denotes dx 1

. The second of the first-order equations is obtained by rearranging




d 2 w

= − K dt 2 M w − B dw

+ 1 f (t) (20.10)

M dt M

However, differentiating Equation (20.9b) we get

d 2 w

dt 2 =ẋ 2

Then, usingEquation (20.10) weobtain

ẋ 2

=− K M x 1 − B M x 2 + 1 M f(t)

Finally, itisusual toarrange the stateequations inaparticular way:

ẋ 1

= + x 2

ẋ 2

=− K M x 1 − B M x 2 + 1 M f(t)

w=x 1

Note that it is conventional to relate the output of the system to the state variables.

Assume that for this system the required output variable is the position of the mass,

that is w.

Itisstraightforward torewrite these equations inmatrix form:

) ( )( ) ( )

(ẋ1 0 1 x1 0


+ f(t)

ẋ2 −K/M −B/M x 2


w = ( 1 0 ) ( )

x 1

x 2

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