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1.7 Partial fractions 43

Solution Thedenominatorhasalreadybeenfactorized.Thelinearfactor,x−4,producesapartial

fraction of the form A

x −4 .

The quadratic factor,x 2 +6x +13, will not factorize further into two linear factors.

Thus this factor generates a partialfraction of the form


x 2 +6x+13 . Hence

3x 2 +11x +14

(x −4)(x 2 +6x +13) = A

x −4 + Bx+C

x 2 +6x+13

Multiplying by (x −4) and (x 2 +6x +13) produces

3x 2 +11x +14 =A(x 2 +6x +13) + (Bx +C)(x −4) (1.11)

The constantsA,BandC can now be found.

Puttingx = 4 into Equation (1.11) gives

106 =A(53)

A = 2

Equating the coefficients ofx 2 gives


B = 1

Equating the constant termon both sides gives


14 =A(13) −4C

C = 3

3x 2 +11x +14

x 3 +2x 2 −11x−52 = 2

x −4 + x +3

x 2 +6x+13

1.7.4 Improperfractions

The techniques of calculating partial fractions in Sections 1.7.1 to 1.7.3 have all been

applied to proper fractions. We now look at the calculation of partial fractions of improper

fractions. The techniques described in Sections 1.7.1 to 1.7.3 are all applicable

to improper fractions. However, when calculating the partial fractions of an improper

fraction, an extra term needs to be included. The extra term is a polynomial of degree

n − d, where n is the degree of the numerator and d is the degree of the denominator.

A polynomial of degree 0 is a constant, a polynomial of degree 1 has the form

Ax +B, a polynomial of degree 2 has the form Ax 2 +Bx +C, and so on. For example,ifthenumeratorhasdegree3andthedenominatorhasdegree2,thepartialfractions

will include a polynomial of degree n −d = 3 − 2 = 1, that is a term of the form

Ax +B. If the numerator and denominator are of the same degree, the fraction is improper.

The partial fractions will include a polynomial of degree n −d = 0, that is a


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