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606 Chapter 20 Ordinary differential equations II



can be represented as a set of simultaneous first-order equations. The main reason for


in this form. Details of the analytical solution of such systems are not considered here

although one technique isdiscussed inSection 21.10.

It is possible to express a second-order differential equation as two first-order equations.Thus


d 2 ( )

y dy

dx = f 2 dx ,y,x (20.6)

we can introduce the new dependent variablesy 1

andy 2

such thaty 1

= y andy 2

= dy

dx .

Equation (20.6) thenbecomes

dy 1

dx =y 2

dy 2

dx = f(y 2 ,y 1

,x) (20.7)

These first-order simultaneous differential equations are often referred to as coupled


Example20.1 Expressthe equation

d 2 y

dx 2 −7dy dx +3y=0

as a set of first-order equations.

Solution Lettingy 1

= y, andy 2

= dy

dx , we find dy 2

dx = d2 y

dx2. Therefore the differential equation


dy 1

dx =y 2

dy 2

dx −7y 2 +3y 1 =0

We note thatthese equations can alsobewritten as

dy 1

dx =y 2

dy 2

dx = −3y 1 +7y 2

or, inmatrix form,

( ) ( ) ( ) y


0 1 y1


−3 7 y 2

y ′ 2

where ′ denotes d dx .

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