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19.8 Bessel’s equation and Bessel functions 597

In a similar manner, suppose we focus attention on the terms in Equation 19.32 that

when multiplied outresultint 1 as will happen when weform products such as

( xt


(1) ,


( x 2 t 2 ) (

− x )


2!2 2 1!2t

( x 3 t 3

3!2 3 )( x


2!2 2 t 2 )

and so on.

Then, together these will formy 1

(x)t 1 inEquation 19.33, so that

y 1

(x) = x

1!2 − x3

2!2 3 + x5

3!2!2 5 ...

or more concisely,

y 1

(x) =



(−1) m x 2m+1

(m +1)!m!2 2m+1 (19.35)

Comparing Equation 19.35 with 19.30 we see thaty 1

(x) is simply the Bessel function

of order one,J 1


Inthesameway,itispossibletoshowthatalltheothercoefficientsy n


19.33 are the Bessel functions J n

(x). The function e x 2 (t−1 t ) in Equation 19.33 is called

a generating function for the Bessel functions because the coefficient oft n in the expansion

isthe Bessel functionJ n

(x). Thus the expansion isused togenerate the Bessel

functions.We have the following important result:

Generatingfunctionforthe Bessel functions:


e x 2 (t−1 t ) = J n

(x)t n (19.36)


Ifthefunctionontheleftisexpandedinpowersoft thenthecoefficientoft n isthe

Bessel function of ordern.


1 Usethe generating functionto show thatifnis an

even integer, thenthe BesselfunctionJ n (x)is an even

function, thatisJ n (−x) =J n (x).Ifnisan odd

integer, show thatJ n (x) isan odd function, thatis

J n (−x) = −J n (x).

19.8.5 TheJacobi-Angeridentities

Two results which relate to Bessel functions and which are important in communicationsengineering

are known as the Jacobi-Anger identities. We first statethem before

deriving them from the generatingfunction.

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