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594 Chapter 19 Ordinary differential equations I


such as copper, steel or aluminium but in some applications the internal surfaces


the surface conductivity. When used at high power levels the conductivity is important.Lowconductivity

canleadtolossofpower andheatingofthecavityduetothe

currents flowing on the internal walls. The space inside the cavity can be empty or

it can contain a dielectric insulating material such as PTFE. The analysis here will

consider an empty cavity.

The purpose of the device is to act as a narrow band filter which selects a specific

frequency. In fact, there is a set of frequencies at which the microwave cavity

will work, known as the resonant frequencies. The electromagnetic waves inside

the cavity are governed by the propagation modes within the cylinder. These modes

are described mathematically by Bessel functions. It can be shown that the resonant

frequencies, f mnp

, associated with the transverse magnetic modes of the cavity are

given by

f mnp

= c

√ (Xmn


) 2 ( pπ



) 2

wherem,nand paremodeindexnumbers,0,1,2,...andX mn


oftheBesselfunctionofthefirstkindoforderm,J m


propagation inthe medium.

The zeros can be observed in Figure 19.18 as the points where the graph crosses

thexaxis.UsuallysoftwaresuchasMATLAB ® hasthecapabilitytocalculatenumericallythezerosofafunction.IfweobservethatthefirstzeroofJ



x = 2.5 (see Figure 19.18) we can type the following at the MATLAB ® command


X = fzero(@(x)besselj(0,x),2.5)

which gives the resultX = 2.4048.

The second zero ofJ 0

(x) isclose to5.5,thus wetype,

X = fzero(@(x)besselj(0,x),5.5)

which gives the resultX = 5.5201.

The first zero ofJ 1

(x) isapproximately 4,so,

X = fzero(@(x)besselj(1,x),4)

which gives the resultX = 3.8317.

Table19.2showsasummaryoftheresultsofapplying thismethodform = 0,1,

and 2.


with dimensionsr = 33 mm and l = 120 mm. The transverse magnetic modes are

labelledTM nmp

andthefirstcommonlyusedmodeisTM 011


would be

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