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19.8 Bessel’s equation and Bessel functions 589

J o (x)




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TheBesselfunction ofthe firstkind oforder

zero,J 0 (x).

function called a Bessel function of the first kind of order zero that is conventionallydenotedJ


(x). Itispossible toshow thatitcan beexpressed concisely usingsigma

notation as

J 0

(x) =



(−1) m x 2m

2 2m (m!) 2 . (19.27)

You shouldverifythisbywritingoutthefirstfewtermsofthisinfiniteseries.Note that

this method of solving the differential equation produces a power series solution and is

usedtointroduceanewfunction,J 0

(x).ItisnotpracticaltotrytodrawagraphofJ 0


by hand but this can be obtained readily using a technical computing language such as

MATLAB ® .Figure19.16showsagraphobtainedinthisway.ObservethatJ 0


similar characteristics to a cosine wave: its value whenx = 0,J 0

(0), equals 1, and the


crosses the horizonal axis are known as zeros of the Bessel function and these values

arise in important applications as we shall see in Engineering application 19.12: The

modes of a cylindrical microwave cavity.


up rather than work directly with the power series definition. Both printed tables and

computer packages are available forthispurpose.

Recall from Section 19.5 that the general solution of a second order linear equation

requires two independent solutions. The function J 0

(x) is one such solution. Another

independent solution is called a Bessel function of the second kind of order

zero and is denoted byY 0

(x). Derivation of this function is beyond the scope of this

book but, like J 0

(x), values ofY 0

(x) can be obtained from tables and by using computer

software. The general solution of Bessel’s equation of order zero can then be


y =AJ 0

(x) +BY 0


whereAandBare arbitraryconstants.

19.8.2 Bessel’sequationoforderone

Here we adopt the previous approach to obtain a solution of Bessel’s equation of order

one, and thereby introduce the Bessel function of the first kind of order one.

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