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588 Chapter 19 Ordinary differential equations I

As was done inSection 19.7 we seekapower series solution inthe form

y =


a m

x m =a 0

+a 1

x+a 2

x 2 +a 3

x 3 +a 4

x 4 +a 5

x 5 +...


The strategy is to substitutey, and its first and second derivatives into Equation 19.25

and choose valuesa m

so that the equation is satisfied.yand its first two derivatives can

be written:

y=a 0

+a 1

x+a 2

x 2 +a 3

x 3 +a 4

x 4 +a 5

x 5 +...


dx =a 1 +2a 2 x+3a 3 x2 +4a 4

x 3 +5a 5

x 4 +...

d 2 y

dx 2 =2a 2 +6a 3 x+12a 4 x2 +20a 5

x 3 +...

Substitution intox d2 y

dx + dy +xy = 0gives

2 dx

(2a 2

x +6a 3

x 2 +12a 4

x 3 +20a 5

x 4 ...) + ( a 1

+2a 2

x+3a 3

x 2 +4a 4

x 3 ... )

+ (a 0

x+a 1

x 2 +a 2

x 3 +a 3

x 4 +a 4

x 5 ...) =0

We now equate coefficients on both sides of this equation starting with the constant


a 1


Equating coefficients ofx:

4a 2

+a 0

=0 sothat a 2

=− 1 4 a 0 .

Equating coefficients ofx 2 :

9a 3

+a 1

=0 sothat a 3

=− 1 9 a 1 = 0 sincea 1 = 0.

Equating coefficients ofx 3 :

16a 4

+a 2

=0 sothat a 4

=− 1 (

16 a 2 = − 1 ) (

− 1 )


16 4 0

= 1

64 a 0 .

Itiseasytoverifythatallsubsequenttermsa m



= − 1

2304 a 0 .Whenmiseven,alla m aremultiplesofa 0 .We

can now write down a power series that satisfies Bessel’s differential

Equation 19.25:


y=a 0

1 − 1 4 x2 + 1

64 x4 − 1 )

2304 x6 +...


We have succeeded in obtaining a power series solution of Bessel’s Equation 19.25

wherea 0

isan arbitraryconstant.

As we have already noted, a 0

is an arbitrary constant. However, historically its value

is chosen to be 1 in Equation 19.26. The resulting power series is used to define a

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