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586 Chapter 19 Ordinary differential equations I

This method of solution iswidely applicable and involves the following steps:

• given a differential equation, we seek a solution in the form of the power series


y = a m

x m ,


• thispower series issubstitutedinto the differential equation

• the coefficientsa m

are then found by the technique of equating coefficients.

Once the values of a m

are found, the solution follows in the form of a power series.

Some differential equations and their solutions have such importance in engineering

and scientific applications that the series obtained are used to introduce new functions

in much the same way as the sine and cosine functions appeared in Equation 19.24.

We shall see in the following section how an important class of functions known as


series expansion converges but such discussion is beyond the scope of the introductory

treatment given here.


1 Thegeneral solution ofthe equation d2 y

dx 2 −y=0is

y =Ae x +Be −x whereAandBarearbitraryconstants.

Obtain thisresultby lookingforasolution ofthe


equation in the form ofapower seriesy = a m x m .

2 Thegeneral solution ofthe equation


d 2 y

dx 2 −3dy dx +2y = 0 isy =Aex +Be 2x whereAand


forasolution ofthe equation in the formofapower


seriesy = a m x m .


3 Verifyusingthemethodofseparationofvariablesthat

the generalsolutionof dy

dx = 2xyisy =Kex2 whereK

isan arbitraryconstant. Obtainthe same resultby

seeking apower seriessolution ofthe differential


equationin the formy = a m x m .


4 Obtainthe first fournon-zeroterms in the power

seriessolution ofthe initialvalue problem


dx +xy=0,y(0)=1.

5 Obtainthe power series solution ofthe equation

d 2 y

dx 2 +xy = 0,upto termsinvolvingx7 . This

differentialequation isknown asanAiryequation.


4 y=1− x2

2 + x4

8 − x6

48 +.... 5

y=a 0


1 − x3

6 + x6

180 −... )



+a 1 x − x4

12 + x7

504 −... .

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