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40 Chapter 1 Review of algebraic techniques

Thelinearfactor,x +1,producesapartialfractionoftheform A

x +1 .Thelinearfactor,

x + 2, produces a partial fraction of the form B . A and B are unknown constants

x +2

whose values have tobefound. So we have


x 2 +3x+2 = 6x+8

(x +1)(x +2) = A

x +1 + B

x +2

Multiplying both sides of Equation (1.8)by (x +1) and (x +2) weobtain


6x+8=A(x+2)+B(x+1) (1.9)

We now evaluateAandB. There are two techniques which enable us to do this: evaluation

using a specific value of xand equating coefficients. Each isillustratedinturn.


We examine Equation (1.9). We will substitute a specific value ofxinto this equation.

Although any value can be substituted for x we will choose a value which simplifies

the equation as much as possible. We note that substitutingx = −2 will simplify the

r.h.s.oftheequationsincethetermA(x +2)willthenbezero.Similarly,substitutingin

x = −1 will simplify the r.h.s. because the termB(x +1) will then be zero. Sox = −1

andx = −2 are two convenient values to substitute into Equation (1.9). We substitute

each inturn.

Evaluating Equation (1.9) withx = −1 gives


2 =A

Evaluating Equation (1.9) withx = −2 gives

−4 =B(−1)

B = 4

SubstitutingA = 2,B = 4into Equation (1.8) yields


x 2 +3x+2 = 2

x +1 + 4

x +2


Thus the required partialfractions are

x +1 and 4

x +2 .

The constantsAandBcould have been found by equating coefficients.


Equation (1.9) may be writtenas


Equating the coefficients ofxon both sides gives


Equating the constant termson both sides gives


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