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576 Chapter 19 Ordinary differential equations I


equation has equal roots.Thatis, we tryy P

= αxe 3x . We find

y ′ =αe 3x (3x+1)

y ′′ =αe 3x (9x+6)

Substitution into the inhomogeneous equation yields

αe 3x (9x +6) − αe 3x (3x +1) −6αxe 3x =e 3x

Mosttermscancel, leaving

5αe 3x = e 3x

sothat α = 1 5 .Finally,therequiredparticularintegralisy P =xe3x 5 .Thegeneralsolution

istheny=Ae 3x +Be −2x + xe3x

5 .



A transmission line is an arrangement of electrical conductors for transporting

electromagnetic waves. Although this definition could be applied to most electrical


one is the coaxial cable which is used to carry the signal from a television aerial to



with a low-frequency wave. These are:

(1) the capacitance,C, between the two conductors,

(2) the series inductance,L, ofthe two conductors,

(3) theleakagecurrentthroughtheinsulationlayerthatseparatesthetwoconductors.

The electrical parameters of a coaxial cable are evenly distributed along its length.


values for the parameters. When constructing a mathematical model of a transmission

line it is easier to think in terms of lumped components spanning a distance δz

and then allow δz to tend to zero (see Figure 19.9). The leakage between the two

conductors is conventionally modelled by a conductance, G, as this simplifies the

mathematics and avoids confusion with the line resistance,R. Note thatC,G,Land

Rareper unit length values forthe transmissionline.


Outer conductor

Inner conductor

Protective coating



Acoaxial cable.

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