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19.6 Constant coefficient equations 575

B = 6 √


= 2 √ 3

Finally, the required particular solution which gives the current through the

inductor atany time is

( √ √ )

2 3 3

i =e −t/2 3 cos 2 t+2√ 3sin

2 t + 1 3 e−2t

(b) The zero-input response is obtained by ignoring the source term i S

(t). From

(a)we see thatthis isjustthe complementary function:

√ √ ) 3 3

i =e


−t/2 2 t+Bsin 2 t

Applying the given initial conditions to this solution givesA = 1 andB = √ 5 3

and so the zero-input response is


i =e


−t/2 2 t + √ 5 √ ) 3


3 2 t

(c) Thezero-stateresponseoftheinhomogeneousequationisfoundbyapplyingthe

conditionsi = 0 and di = 0 att = 0 tothe general solution already obtained in


(a). It is straightforward to show thatA = − 1 3 andB= √ 1 . So the zero-state


response is


i =e −t/2 − 1 √


3 cos 2 t + √ 1

√ ) 3


3 2 t + 1 3 e−2t

(d) Inspectionofthepreviousworkingshowsthattheparticularsolutionobtainedin

(a)isthe sum of the zero-state response and zero-input response.

19.6.3 Inhomogeneoustermappearsinthecomplementaryfunction

In some examples, terms which form part of the complementary function also appear

in the inhomogeneous term. This gives rise to an additional complication. Consider

Example 19.29.

Example19.29 Considertheequationy ′′ −y ′ −6y = e 3x .Itisstraightforwardtoshowthatthecomplementaryfunctionis

y=Ae 3x +Be −2x

Findaparticular integraland deducethe generalsolution.

Solution Suppose we try to find a particular integral by using a trial solution of the form

y P

= αe 3x . Substitutioninto the l.h.s. ofthe inhomogeneous equation yields

9αe 3x −3αe 3x −6αe 3x whichsimplifies to0

so that αe 3x is clearlynotasolution of the inhomogeneousequation. Thereason is that

e 3x is part of the complementary function and so causes the l.h.s. to vanish. To obtain a

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