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574 Chapter 19 Ordinary differential equations I


(a) With the given parameter values the differential equation becomes

d 2 i

dt + di

2 dt +i=e−2t

Itisfirstnecessarytofind thecomplementary function. Lettingi = e kt , theauxiliaryequation

isk 2 +k+1 = 0 which has complex solutions

k = − 1 √


2 ± 2 j

The complementary function istherefore

√ √ ) 3 3

i =e


−t/2 2 t+Bsin 2 t

For a particular integral we try a solution of the form i = αe −2t . Substitution

into the differential equation gives

so that

4αe −2t −2αe −2t + αe −2t = e −2t

3α=1, thatis α= 1 3

Hence a particular integral isi = 1 3 e−2t . The general solution is the sum of the

complementary function and the particular integral:

√ √ ) 3 3

i =e


−t/2 2 t+Bsin 2 t + 1 3 e−2t

We now apply the initial conditions to find the constantsAandB. Giveni = 1

whent = 0 means

1=A+ 1 so that A = 2 3 3

To apply the second condition weneed tofind di

dt :

( √ √ √ √ )

di 3 3 3 3

dt = e−t/2 −

2 Asin 2 t + 2 Bcos 2 t

− 1 2 e−t/2 (Acos

Given di = 2 whent = 0 means



2 =

2 B − 1 2 (A) − 2 3


2 =

2 B − 1 ( ) 2

− 2 2 3 3


2 t+Bsin √


2 t )

− 2 3 e−2t

2 =

3 =


2 B −1


2 B

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